Blindfold Videos

Ayman Abed, a 56-year old Paletinian in Kufr-dan village in Jenin was abducted and tortured to death

Civilians detained and field-interrogated in IDF raid in Nur Shams

Part II Channel 4 reporting on sexual abuses and torture allegations in israeli detention centers

B'tselem presents in Democracy Now TV the new report documenting torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners

MONSTROUS torture: Beaten during surgery NO anaesthesia, dogs raping prisoners

Soldiers parade "cockroaches", Palestinian abductees

IDF soldier footage of an abducted Palestinian "Flies are attracted feces"

Ismail Al-Ghoul recounts his detention by the IDF in Al-Shifa hospital

The public arrest & humiliation of Palestinian abductees, kidnapped from Khan Younis

Throwing Money at a Prisoner

Prisoner abuse "Manny Mamtara" viral challenge in a car

Prisoner song abuse viral challenge in driveway with dog

Prisoner abuse to music viral challenge on a bus

"Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge in an office

Origin story for "Manny Mamtara" as a torture song

Blindfolded prisoners in a car, singing and laughing

Israeli forces abduct a 13 year old child from Hebron

Loading the Prison Bus

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.