Negev Videos

229th demolition at Al Araqeeb bedouin village

Channel 4 reporting on widespread torture and sexual abuse have been reported in IDF detention center

Young couple and little ones made homeless in the desert

Ben Gvir watched and tortured Palestinians in prison

Lawyer Khaled Mahajna recounts abject torture in Sde Teiman

After prime time on TV - Rapist jailer takes his mask off

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal-target Channel 12 which aired the footage

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal

Rapist jailer gets TV prime time, doesn't deny evidence footage

Israel deploys large police for demolition of Negev Bedouin community

Israeli demolition of Abu Kaff family home in Umm Batin, Negev

Report about demolitions in Umm Batin, Negev

No rights in prison, keep your head down, it is what it is

IDF demolishes Bedouin Palestinian structures in Umm Batin, Negev

We need laws allowing revenge rape and abuse

Part2 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Part1 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Ibrahim Salem (infamous Sde Teiman photo) recounts psychological torture

Ibrahim Salem (infamous Sde Teiman photo) released after 8 months

15 Palestinians released from Israeli torture camps

15 Palestinians released from Israeli detention

Sde Teiman suspect rapist: investigators were real nice and thanked us

IDF sexual torture suspect recount being thanked and applauded by investigators

How dare you arrest me for raping a prisoner to protect our country!

Soldiers and politicians protest at Sde Teiman torture camp against rape investigation

Sde Teiman prisoners raped themselves

Bring your child to defend rapist jailers at Sde Teiman

MONSTROUS torture: Beaten during surgery NO anaesthesia, dogs raping prisoners

Israeli Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir says he is proud to demolish Palestinian houses in the Negev

Moazzaz Obayat recounts his arrest and brutal torture

Footage Sde Teiman jailers raping Palestinian prisoner behind shields

Channel 13 filmed at the Israeli Ktzi'ot concentration camp

Israel destroys the homes of non-Jewish Israeli citizens in Wadi Khalil

Israeli Channel 13 shows prisoners being tortured in a concentration camp on TV

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.