Masafering Videos

The Israeli Army protects settlers as they assault Palestinian olive harvesters

The Israeli Army protects settlers as they assault Palestinian olive harvesters

The Israeli Army protects settlers as they assault Palestinian olive harvesters

The Israeli Army protects settlers as they assault Palestinian olive harvesters

The Israeli Army protects settlers as they assault Palestinian olive harvesters

Israeli army and police continue to take an active part in efforts to deport T'ala resident in West Bank

In T'ala Israeli settlers threaten and prevent the residents from grazing and cultivating their land

The settlers and the Israeli army have made the lives of the residents of T'ala miserable

Dozen Israeli soldiers invaded the village of T'ala, West Bank

Israeli settlers and soldiers obstruct Susya olive harvest

Israeli settlers and soldiers obstruct Susya olive harvest

Israeli settlers and soldiers obstruct Susya olive harvest

Israeli Police prevent farmer to pick their olive after settlers invasion in Um Nir

In Am Nir Shmuel Lusky and another settler attempted to steal the harvested olives and to assault the harvesters.

IDF and Police officier disturb olive harvest in Am Nir near Susya

Israli soldiers and police officers from the Border Police prevent Palestinian harvesting in olive groves in Am Nir / Susiya

In the both village of Jorat al Jamel & At-Tuwani, Masafer Yatta, Israeli authorities destroyed two residences

Harassement from Israeli soldiers and sttlers in Palestinian village Umm Al-Kheir

CCTV footage: settlers steal laundry and invade Palestinian property

Expulsion order during oliver harvest Safar Yata near Susia

Soldier and settler prevents the olive harvest in Sha'ab al-Bottom - Masafar Yatta

A settler invaded the private lands of the residents of Tuba , in response, the Israeli police arrived and arrested two of the harassed shepherds.

The soldier-settler Ariel Ohion demanded the arrest of the harvester, threw a stun grenade and arrested 3 activists

Violent settlers protected by israeli Police in Kfar Susya

In Kfar Susia violent settlers broke the windows of a car and hit the resident in the leg

Seven masked settlers attacked a house and a family in Kfar Sousia with stones and clubs

Five times in 12 hours. This is the number of times settlers invaded the yard of a family's house in the village of Susia yesterday

An israeli settler attacked a Palestinian when he was grazing the sheep near his house

Israeli settlers and soldiers harass and threaten residents of T'ala (West Bank)

A settler came to one of Anizan's waterholes in Zanota to steal water

Young settler wears “Our Country” shirt/sweatshirt while stealing private water

Jewish settler harrasses the Zanuta farmers

Settler: I'm 25y/o and I built your home 25 years ago

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman, helped by IDF soliders and military police, invaded the village of Zanota

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman invaded the village of Zanota

Settler hands his rifle to a toddler aiming at Palestinian village

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman invaded the village of Zanota

Campaign of the "Shepherds Sound Movement" to "assist the "pioneers of the mountain" to steal and abuse Palestinians

Soldier-settler violates court orders, terrorizes shepherds and assaults activists

Settler brat to shepherd: "I win. You lose. Again."

Settlers attempted to steal a flock of 400 sheep in the village of Tubas

Settlers steal wheat harvested from a field in Wadi Rahim in Susia and police refuses to come

A settler wearing a uniform evicts Wadi Rahim in Sossia from his private land

Expulsion of Palestinian farmers by stellers and police in Sossia, West Bank

Violent Israeli settler Shem Tov Lusky assaults Palestinian farmers and activist near Susiya

Violent settler Shem Tov from "Ancient Susiya" illegal outpost harasses Palestinian land owners

IDF soldiers trapped children in a school in Kfar Safai and threw a stun grenade nearby

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.