Ramallah Videos

Israeli forces kidnapped 3 women in Ramallah, including Abla Sa'adat, wife of imprisoned SecGen of the PFLP, Ahmad Sa'adat

Burqa, a Palestinian village daily harassed by 7 communities of Israeli settlers

Footage from Umm Safa, a Palestinian village where settlers established an outpost

A wounded during the assault on settlers protected by the occupation forces in the town of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers raided Palestinian-owned lands in Umm Safa in an attempt to expropriate them

Tonight a settler gangs attack the Umm Safa town

Settler terrorist gangs fired live bullets at citizens' homes in the town of Umm Safa

Armed settler groups, backed by the Israeli soldiers, have entered Jabal Al-Ras in Umm Safa

Israeli settlers continue land leveling just meters from homes in Umm Safa village

State of Israel distributes illegally land of Uum Safa to Zvi Bar Yosef who many countries have imposed sanctions on

Soldiers throw grenades at protesters against land seizure

The people of Umm Safa (Ψ£Ω… ءفا) are desperately calling for help

Settler pogrom in Khirbet Abu Falah

Settler pogrom in Khirbet Abu Falah

IDF raided a home and beat the women for no reason

The moment the Israeli Army abducted young Palestinian and brutally assaulted him in Ramallah

Israeli Army storming of Ramallah city, central occupied West Bank.

Inhumane treatment on Palestinian at IDF checkpoint in Ramallah

Israeli Army raids Deir Jarir village in Ramallah

Kids confront IDF raid in Beit Rima, Ramallah

IDF detention campaign in Beit Rima, Ramallah

Israeli militias burned Palestinian land in Beitin, west of Ramallah

Women in Israeli prison are kept in cells for 23h in appalling conditions

We LOVE destroying their villages

Israeli forces invade a house in the village of Umm Safa, West Bank

Israeli forces destroy a Palestinian home in Baytillu, north Ramallah

Bullet holes the IDF shot in the window of a home in Silwad, Ramallah

Israeli soldiers invaded the outskirts of Umm Safa and went through the village's streets, shooting indiscriminately.

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian vehicles on Highway 60

Israeli soldiers kidnapped Muhammad Samih Karaja, after storming his house in the village of Umm Safa

Ameed Ibrahim Samih Jayousi (31 y/0), was killed by Israeli soldiers bullets in the village of Umm Safa

Israeli soldiers try to prevent palestinian farmers from reaching their lands in the eastern region of the village of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers and soldiers bulldoze lands in Jabal al-Ras in the village of Umm Safa

Israeli soldiers smashing Palestinian shops for fun

Israeli forces attack a protest of Palestinian residents and activists against a new settlement outpost in Umm Safa

Israeli forces killed 24-year-old Abdul-Jawad Salah whilst defending his town, Umm Safa

IDF arrest and blindfold 2 men in Beit Ur al-Tahta raid

Burning Cars, Soldiers Helping

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.