"1/4 אתמול, נערים בני הכפר ואדי טיראן, רעו את הצאן שלהם סמוך לעיירה אל ד'אהרייה, עד שהגיעו מתנחלים רעולי פנים בטרקטורון ובמכונית אזרחית. המתנחלים, שאחד מהם לבש מדים קראו לאחד הפלסטינים, ביצעו עליו חיפוש, החרימו לו את הפלאפון, כיסו את העיניים, קשרו את הידיים והעמיסו אותו לרכב." - Source
1/4 Yesterday, boys from the village of Wadi Tiran were grazing their sheep near the town of Al Dhahriya, when masked settlers arrived in a tractor and a civilian car. The settlers, one of whom was wearing a uniform, called one of the Palestinians, searched him, confiscated his cell phone, blindfolded him, tied his hands, and loaded him into the vehicle.
2/4 According to his testimony, the vehicle was stopped and he was taken out of it. For about an hour he sat with his eyes covered and his hands tied - during which he heard the settlers eating and laughing at him. The settlers accused him of grazing sheep on a plot of land they had sown - private Palestinian land.
3/4 The family of the young man who was kidnapped grew wheat on the plot for years, until this year Elyashiv Nahum, the settler from Havat Yehuda, plowed the plot in order to take control of it. According to testimonies from the village residents, the vehicle that kidnapped the shepherd entered Elyashiv's outpost.
4/4 After the settlers finished eating, they put the shepherd back in the car and took him to an unknown location - where, according to his testimony, they took him out of the car and told him to walk, but did not warn him that there was a staircase and allowed him to fall. They put him back in the car and dropped him off at an intersection several kilometers from his home.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.