Masafer Yatta Videos

Settler: I'm 25y/o and I built your home 25 years ago

Settlers destroy West Bank village's water pipe again

Settler hands his rifle to a toddler aiming at Palestinian village

Settlers uproot 30+ olive seedlings from farmer in Umm Nir, Masafer Yatta.

Settler in IDF uniform assaults activist

Settlers attempted to steal a flock of 400 sheep in the village of Tubas

IDF bulldozers demolish a house in the village of Tuwani

Life or death-West Bank villagers helpless against settlers and IDF

Settlers assault elderly villagers of Shi'b al-Batim

Israeli Settlers militia attacked community of Shehab Al Bottom in Masafer Yatta

Verbally Abusive Drone

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.