B.M. Videos

"Thank god, we are hitting and breaking the Gazans"

Giora Eiland launches new Israeli campaign to starve northern Gaza and invade it

Ben Gvir brags about distributing guns to settlers and worsening conditions in prisons in Mordehai David interview

IDF holding a military ceremony in Rafah school

MK Zvi Sukkot incites war against Lebanon

We eliminated Gaza, my friends

Lawyer calls to send all Palestinian captives to the gallows

Moshe Feiglin now incites war against Egypt

Israel tightens blockade with road separating Gaza from Egypt to ensure full control

Mass destruction is how you vanquish your enemy

Mass destruction is how you vanquish your enemy

Dozens of soldiers happily sing genocidal song "Mi Meshuga"

Why does every place Islam reaches turn from green to yellow?

Settlers desecrate Al-Aqsa mosque again

You support "terrorism", we demolish your hospitals.

Settler hands his rifle to a toddler aiming at Palestinian village

Mr State Attorney should indict all Israelis as we ALL wanted to erase Gaza

MK and crowd incite against family of Walid Daqqa who was killed in Israeli concentration camp

"The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel, including Judea and Samaria"

West-Bank "landlord" Smotrich launches campaign of land theft

Total victory is possible because Gazans are finite

Ben Gvir's militia gang-assaults two Palestinians in Abu Sinan

Young couple and little ones made homeless in the desert

MK defends illegal settlers assaulting at gunpoint "spies" Palestinian women and child

"This is Sodom!" Protest pro-sodomizing prisoners

"Cry, cry, I want to kill you now""

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

Just start war with Iran and Lebanon, it'll be easy

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal-target Channel 12 which aired the footage

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal

Rapist jailer gets TV prime time, doesn't deny evidence footage

We need laws allowing revenge rape and abuse

Israeli journalist exposes lies about the hostage deal

MK wants nuclear war with Iran

IDF - Annihilation good vibes

Pro-rape protestors shout genocidal slogans, demand jailer rapist release

How dare you arrest me for raping a prisoner to protect our country!

MK Tally Gotliv: We SALUTE our brave rapist jailers

Home demolition in At-Tur, West Bank

MK: EVERYTHING including rape is legitimate against terrorists!

"I would very much like to see Beirut burning today, going up in flames in response to the event that happened"

Call to invade Lebanon - Yair Golan, head of leftist democrats party

MK: we'll kick families of "terrorists" to Gaza

Rabbi repeats October 7 debunked lies in the Knesset

MK: we'll humiliate terrorists' families and expel all of you to Gaza

Soldiers parade "cockroaches", Palestinian abductees

Shai Goldstein and Erez Tadmor recorded and played a song mocking on Galey Israel station about dozens of murdered Palestinians in 8 june Nuseirat massacre .

Israel Prison Service PR - worsening treatment

Social activist LOVES when police arrests genocide protesters

Karmi Yogev, filmed himself in a "teaser" for the "Katif Conference" for the settlement of Gaza

IDF soldiers vandalize TIKA hospital with racist football teams

The propagandist Amit Segal dedicates explosion of Rafah's buildings in memory of two Israeli Sergeants

Settlers wanting to settle in Gaza occupy a nature reserve near the Gaza border

Propaganda clip that is now played before every movie in one of Israel's largest movie theater chains

Israeli Jews protest against the Caesarea Development Corporation for allowing an Arab family to buy a home in their affluent resort town

Oded Feller, a lawyer with the Association for Human Rights, is harassed for opposing Israel's policy of prisoner starvation in the courts

Former head of of the Israeli Prison Service's Intelligence System, ex-Assistant Commissioner Betty Lahat: "We should have given each one a bullet in the head after he is interrogated"

Yinon Magal, on Israeli talk show, rejoices that 42 Palestinian civilians were killed to assassinate Hamas official

MK Limor Son Har-Melech calls for conquest from Nile to Euphrates

Ben Gvir: "We are committed to returning to Gaza ... Together with settlement there must be an encouragement of emigration"

Moshe Feiglin: "Conquer all of Gaza ... It's either us or them"

Channel 13 filmed at the Israeli Ktzi'ot concentration camp

Israeli TV Channel 13's Hila Alroi justifies the murder of Gazan civilians

We'll turn you (West Bank) into a pile of rubble just like we did to Gaza

Failed IDF attempt of demolition at a Druze home in Yirka, Galilee

Scene after settlers attacked two aid trucks: victim lying on the ground wounded, zero arrests made

"We have to erase them"

Genocidal speech of Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, explicitly and openly about ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinian.

MK Zvi Sukkot (Jewish Power party): "We're gonna continue the war with all our might, without considering those who live next to the terrorists"

Palestinian youth hits quadcoptor drone with a rock

Merkava tank destroying GAZA sign on the first day of Rafah ground offensive

Merkava tank destroying "I πŸ’š GAZA" artwork on the first day of the Rafah ground offensive

Prominent Israeli journalist Yinon Magal participating in the invasion of Rafah, enjoying a book and coffee

"These people there (in Gaza) deserve death. And instead we see them enjoying on the beach", Yehuda Schlesinger said

Eliran Mizrahi, a heavy equipment operator for the IDF, brags about destroying over 5,000 homes in Gaza

Speaking of annihilating...

"Rafah Rafah Rafah" dance

Genocidal Photo Montage Projection

Purim doll in a synagogue depicts a hanged Palestinian


"Voluntary Gazan transfer is not a war crime but a solution for peace"

"Flour Massacre" is not unbearable for E. Amrusi if you β€œlook away”

After "Flour Massacre" Pr. Elbashan still supports the war even he sounds concerned about the starving children

"We're cleaning the world's most stinky toilet" by starving and killing people of Gaza

How stupid can starving people be?

Genocide is Adorable

Karaoke Incitement

Genocidal incitement for kids

Soldiers of the Israel TikTok Forces having fun with loot at Nasser Hospital Khan Younis

Palestinian abductee abuse posted proudly by IDF propagandist Yinon Magal

Israeli Channel 13 shows prisoners being tortured in a concentration camp on TV

IDF soldier are draining Khan Younis of Palestinians, and arbitrarily kidnap some along the way

IDF arbitrarily detain people displaced from Khan Younis on "terrorism" suspicion

The public arrest & humiliation of Palestinian abductees, kidnapped from Khan Younis

Enjoying massage equipment denied to Gaza cancer patients

Israeli snipers repeatedly shoot sheep to death

Pro-genocide song "Kulu Tamam"

Don't mess with our People

Gaza, you were good to us

Standard D9 destruction

I dedicate this explosion to our spouses

This explosion is dedicated to

What a lovely video

Ethiopian dance

Guys, who broke this candle?

Destruction Montage

Shooting for fun #2

Shooting for fun #1

Until victory, with the help of god and D9

abandoned door

Real-estate presenter

This Was My Home

I think it's free

Real Estate Agent Routine

No Roads Left

Such a Beauty

Wash the Glass

"Mosque is (K)Hamas !"

Light and Smiles

Subliminal and the Shadow

D9 Fun

We Bring the Love and Settlements

Playing with a D9

Finish the Job


Studying Arabic

Girl On Fire

Prisoner Abuse on Mainstream Channel 13

pro-genocide song 'Harbu Darbu' rapper posts extra racist verse about Arabs

Lt. Col. Oren Schindler had genocidal speech on a live radio interview

MK says it legal and moral to encourage Gazans to "voluntarily migrate"

Vlog from Gush Katif Hotel

Bed and Breakfast

Good work D9!

Liberated from all

Tefilin in Khan Younis

Tank Backgammon

Rocket launching champion


Welcome to my hotel room

Put out the grill

Call of Duty

Renovated the landscape

Bulldozer Conquering Gaza

Shortage of Flags?


Fun Blowing Up Cities

Great Chance to Make a Music Video

Door No House

Pharmacy Zulu Spell

The beach of Gaza IS ALL OURS! Nova beach!

"Arab girls are the sluttiest"

IDF footage of soldiers mocking the Palestinian women lingerie

IDF video : Joke about rape Palestinian "bunnies" using carrots

Genocide song: Mi Meshuga? (Who's Crazy?)

Revenge is a great value. Gazans won't be able to live here

We're implementing a scorched earth policy. Nothing left.

Wedding/torture music: "may your village burn"

Shifa Not Working

Shay Golden's explicit genocidal incitement on Israeli TV are becoming the reality

We need to see "Gaza RIP" pictures

No food, water or electricity. Make a total siege to bring about harsh disaster.

Why can't IDF go to back its terrorist origins!?

2019: Bibi openly promises more settlements and West Bank annexation

"Gaza is a graveyard" racist songs by the fans of Beitar Jerusalem football team against Palestinian

Dinosaur Costume

Back from the dead to haunt you


In a year there will be nothing left there

Soldiers TikToking to Genocide Music

The hidden verse

Logistics of Blowing Up a Home

Gleeful Destruction

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.