TVFreePalestine Videos

Israeli forces kidnapped 3 women in Ramallah, including Abla Sa'adat, wife of imprisoned SecGen of the PFLP, Ahmad Sa'adat

Israeli Special forces raided Dheisheh camp, shot one youth and kidnaped three others

Burqa, a Palestinian village daily harassed by 7 communities of Israeli settlers

Hana' Suwetat offered herself as a human shield in place of her only son during the Israeli army raid on Jenin

Palestinian residents of Nour Shams stay steadfast after huge destructions caused by Israeli raids

Testimony about an home invasion during Israeli raid in Tulkarm

Testimonies of two Jenin residents used as Human shields by Israeli soldiers in Jenin

Voice of Palestinian resident after 8 days of siege on Jenin Camp

IDF snipers shot at & hit journalist Mohamad Mansour, & injured his colleagues, while driving outside the village of Kfar Dan

85% of infrastructure has been damaged by the Israeli army in Jenin since the start of the siege

Testimony about conditions of detained women from Gaza at the Damon prison

Paramedics lynched, beaten and detained by Israeli Army, and their ambulance vandalised in Jenin

Israeli Army Targeted Journalists in Jenin : Testimony of freelance Journalist Jarah Khalaf

Testimony of Palestinian paramedic about the impossibility to treat besiege civilians in Jenin

Testimony of brave elder Palestinian risking his life to bring milk and bread to families besieged in Jenin

Testimonies on the Israeli army's campaign of mass destruction in eastern Jenin

"Palestinian medical system is a legitimate target for them"

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.