Al-Fawwar RC Videos

The moment the young man Yahya Daniel Awad died of his wounds after being shot by Israeli forces

Funeral of Yahya Daniel Awad a 29 y/o Palestinian murdered by Israeli soldiers in Al-Fawwar

Israeli forces continue their assault on Al-Fawwar Palestinian Refugiee Camp

The Israeli army carry out a large-scale arrest campaign in Al-Fawar camp, south of Hebron

Israeli soldiers point their weapons at children today during raids in Fawwar Camp

Israely forces stormed Al-Fawwar and launched a large-scale detention campaign

Israeli soldiers pointed their guns at children during the raid on the Al-Fawwar refugee camp

Israeli army are raiding Al-Fawwar refugee camp in the city of Hebron

Israelis soliders arrested Alaa Abu Heshesh, blindfolded him, and used him as a human shield in Fawwar Camp

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.