B'tselem Videos

International community has failed to stop Israeli crimes against humanity, B'Tselem said at UN Security Council

Israeli state commits war crimes every day in Gaza and West Bank, B'Tselem tells UN Security Council

Israeli state promotes Jewish supremacy said B'Tselem at UN Security Council

Israel demolishes home of family of 17, including 11 minors as part of the apartheid regime's efforts to expel Palestinian communities

Soldiers pushed woman down in the dirt, standing on her back - torture testimony

B'tselem presents in Democracy Now TV the new report documenting torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners

Testimonies of physical and psychological torture by Palestinian detainees in several detention centers

Israeli prisons cut food rations for Palestinians to the point of starvation since 7 Oct

No rights in prison, keep your head down, it is what it is

Megiddo prison is Abu Ghraib - jailers laughed when a prisoner didn't wake up

"You know Sde Teiman? Rape in the name of god"

Settler minors trespass fenced private Palestinian land in Susya, cause damage to crops

Israeli forces demolish the homes of two families in the community of Khirbet Umm al-Kheir in the South Hebron Hills

Concrete Well

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.