Qalqilya Videos

Video of Israeli forces retreating from Qalqilya

IDF throwed gas canister inside a mosque during the Friday prayer

Report: Aftermath of settler pogrom on Jit village in Qalqilya

Qalqilya pogrom: dozens of Israeli terrorist masked settlers raid and kill in Jit, West Bank

Settler pogrom in Jit, Qalqilya: masked armed men torch car and assault anyone in sight

Jit, Qalqilya pogrom: settlers filmed torching home with people inside

An hour after the attack, IDF allows civil defense crews to enter the village of Jit

Settler pogrom in the town of Jit, Qalqilya

Settlers raided the village of Jit in eastern Qalqilya and set fire to 4 houses and 6 vehicles

Settler pogrom in Jit village, Qalqilya

Settlers pogrom in the town of Jit, Qalqilya

Israeli forces drag bodies out of a car they just shot up in the city of Qalqilya

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.