Destroying Agriculture Videos

Civil Defense recover the Qishta brothers after their tractor was targeted

Civil Defense recover the Qishta brothers after their tractor was targeted

Paramedics recover Wael Safi's body from Zaghloul

A truck full of mourners for the Qishta funeral

Burqa, a Palestinian village daily harassed by 7 communities of Israeli settlers

Israeli occupation forces the Palestinian Ahmed Alian to demolish his house in Beit_Safafa

Israeli occupation courts forced Ahmed Alyan to demolish his 23-year-old home in Beit Safafa

Footage from Umm Safa, a Palestinian village where settlers established an outpost

A wounded during the assault on settlers protected by the occupation forces in the town of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers raided Palestinian-owned lands in Umm Safa in an attempt to expropriate them

Tonight a settler gangs attack the Umm Safa town

Settler terrorist gangs fired live bullets at citizens' homes in the town of Umm Safa

Armed settler groups, backed by the Israeli soldiers, have entered Jabal Al-Ras in Umm Safa

Israeli settlers continue land leveling just meters from homes in Umm Safa village

State of Israel distributes illegally land of Uum Safa to Zvi Bar Yosef who many countries have imposed sanctions on

Soldiers throw grenades at protesters against land seizure

The people of Umm Safa (Ψ£Ω… ءفا) are desperately calling for help

An Israeli settler stormed Palestinian lands & terrorized their herds of sheep

Israeli soldiers admit they are denying PalestiniansπŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ access to their own water source in occupied territories

IDF bulldozers have demolished 45 agricultural homes in Al-Taybeh area

UN has called for a full investigation for Aysenur assassination

The point of situation about Aysenur assassination

Nablus governor about Aysenur Ezgi Eygi assassination and accountability

Assassination of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi by an Israeli sniper near Nablus

Assassination of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi by an Israeli sniper near Nablus

Jonathan Pollack recounts the moment when IDF sniped American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

Israeli forces have re-invaded Tulkarm, leaving widespread destruction

13y/o Bana Amjad Bakr Laboum, shot dead by Israeli soldiers invading Qaryut

Journalist and activist @the_andrey_x talks about being an activist against settler violence

Israeli settlers stole around 300 head of cattle and destroyed the property of residents of Jorat Al Khail

"Tharma" project distributes seedlings to 100 families across the Nothern Gaza

Settler Isaschar Manne brought his herd to drink from the family’s water cistern

Nablus - Olive groves burned by settlers

Settlers harass and try to sever water lines for Palestinian farmers at Al-Auja spring

Settlers harass and try to sever water lines for Palestinian farmers at Al-Auja spring

Settlers uproot 30+ olive seedlings from farmer in Umm Nir, Masafer Yatta.

Campaign of the "Shepherds Sound Movement" to "assist the "pioneers of the mountain" to steal and abuse Palestinians

Soldier-settler violates court orders, terrorizes shepherds and assaults activists

Settler brat to shepherd: "I win. You lose. Again."

Israeli militias burned Palestinian land in Beitin, west of Ramallah

Israeli settlers set fire to private property in Yatma village

Israeli settlers set fire to private property in Yatma village

Israeli settlers set fire to private property in Yatma village

IDF compilation: War crimes megapack

'This is my only hope'

Jewish terrorists burning Palestinian fields with IDF protection near Burin

Scenes document the Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Israeli forces invade a house in the village of Umm Safa, West Bank

Battir, a village listed as a UNESCO heritage site is harrased by settlers following the Knesset decision to annex it

Israeli troops bulldoze 500 acres of crop lands and demolish greenhouses in Rafah

Israeli soldiers invaded the outskirts of Umm Safa and went through the village's streets, shooting indiscriminately.

Backhoe demolishing agriculture in Hizma

The lsraeli occupation bulldozed more than 30 olive trees in the town of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem, on the property of the Alayan family

IDF soldiers targeted sheep in Al Mawasi "SAFE area" in Rafah

Israeli soldiers kidnapped Muhammad Samih Karaja, after storming his house in the village of Umm Safa

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 10. Destroying agricultural tractors for fun

Ameed Ibrahim Samih Jayousi (31 y/0), was killed by Israeli soldiers bullets in the village of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian farmers and steal a number of their sheep

Until victory, with the help of god and D9

Israeli soldiers try to prevent palestinian farmers from reaching their lands in the eastern region of the village of Umm Safa

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes15. Killing livestock after running over them

In Safafa, Israeli occupation forces attack and arrest of Palestinians who oppose the colonization and land expropriation project

The Alyan family face relentless attacks from the Israeli forces as they strive to protect their land

Israeli settlers and soldiers bulldoze lands in Jabal al-Ras in the village of Umm Safa

Amnesty Internationa shows Israel's war crimes of expanding a buffer zone in Gaza

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crimes 9. Destroying trucks in Khan Younis.

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 4. Running over a chicken farm and killing dozens of them

Israeli forces attack a protest of Palestinian residents and activists against a new settlement outpost in Umm Safa

Israeli forces killed 24-year-old Abdul-Jawad Salah whilst defending his town, Umm Safa

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.