Al-Makhrour Videos

Report on the Christian Kisiya family's struggle for their home and land

Alice Kisiya explains her situation fighting settlers who took over her home

The Kisiya family fights to reclaim their property from violent settlers after 22 days.

IDF commander blocks the Kisiya family from accessing their stolen land

Activists supporting the Kisiya family in Al-Makhrour gather around a bonfire

Activists join the Palestinian Kisiya family reclaim its land after being evicted by settlers

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

One week later, family property still occupied by settlers with IDF support

Army and settlers occupy private property of family in Al-Makhrour valley (West Bank)

Settlers evict Christian Kisiya family in Al-Makhrour valley (West Bank) from their private property

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.