Civil Defense Videos

Civil Defense crews recover 4 dead bodies in Khirbat al-Adas

Injured little girl and a victim torn to shreds in Shoubaki family house

Retrieving victims from Al-Shami family

Civil Defense recover the Qishta brothers after their tractor was targeted

Children retrieved from the Basal family home

Gathering the dead at At-Taalim Roundabout

Bare hands rescue of man buried under the rubble of Suwaidan home

Rescuing a child from the Hamduna family

Rescue of young Mohammed Hamduna - Nuseirat

Recovering the Arba' family's bodies from Al-Zahour

Siyam family strike: Violent Israeli bombing rescue extremely hard

5 killed and 12 injured in an IDF airstrike on the Lubbad family's apartment

Fakhouri family strike: Civil Defense retrieve 2 martyrs from the rubble

Civil Defense crew shocked at finding their boss under the rubble

Rescuing a child buried under the rubble of Haddad family home

6 members of the Radi family killed overnight in Israeli strike

Civil Defense enter red zone to recover victims of strike on Liddawi family home

Civil Defense recover more martyrs from the rubble of Safad School

IDF bombs Nassar family in Jabalia while asleep, killing 4

3 killed in night strike on Hajjaj family in Zaytoun

Civil Defense document themselves being targeted

Civil Defense worker's 7-month old daughter, under the rubble for 25 days

Funeral of Civil Defense worker killed in the line of duty , Mohammad Salah Abdelhadi

Air strike on Civil Defense station near Rafah

Air strike on Civil Defense rescue crew in Jabalia

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.