Occupied Jerusalem Videos

Israeli occupation forces the Palestinian Ahmed Alian to demolish his house in Beit_Safafa

Israeli occupation courts forced Ahmed Alyan to demolish his 23-year-old home in Beit Safafa

IDF fire sound and gas bombs during their massive incursion into the Shuafat camp and the town of Anata

IDF soldiers carry out a mass detention campaign in the town of Al-Ram

Scenes document the Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

The lsraeli occupation bulldozed more than 30 olive trees in the town of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem, on the property of the Alayan family

In Safafa, Israeli occupation forces attack and arrest of Palestinians who oppose the colonization and land expropriation project

The Alyan family face relentless attacks from the Israeli forces as they strive to protect their land

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.