Jericho Videos

About ten settlers attacked students and the school principal at the school in Marjat

Jewish terrorism in Ma'arjat School, southern Jordan Valley

PRCS rescues a teacher severly wounded by settler assault on Al Ka’abna Elementary School

Testimony about the Al-Kaabna assault by Israeli settlers and army

Israeli soldiers and settlers arrest the director of the Bedouin Al-Kaabneh School and the teaching staff

Footage of an attack by a group of settlers against educational staff and students of the Al-Kaabna Arab Basic School in Al-Marajat

Settlers harass and try to sever water lines for Palestinian farmers at Al-Auja spring

Settlers harass and try to sever water lines for Palestinian farmers at Al-Auja spring

Im Tirtzu fascists and soldiers harass and detain Palestinian activist

Activist assaulted by settlers

Israeli settlers demolish 11 homes of Al-Malihat Arabs in Negev Safi, west of Jericho

to drive out Palestinian shepherd communities from the Jordan Valley, Israeli Settlers demolish 11 homes

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian farmers and steal a number of their sheep

Israeli settlers digged symbolic graves for children near Al-Ma'rajat primary school as a threat.

Israeli settlers dug small graves (the size of children) in front of a school for a Palestinian Bedouin community in Jericho

Jewish settlers hung blood-stained dolls on the wall of a Palestinian school od Mu

Isreali forces use Abd a-Rahim Gheith as a human shield on a street in Jericho

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.