Hasbara Videos

Netanyahu again uses a map erasing the West Bank

Israeli state commits war crimes every day in Gaza and West Bank, B'Tselem tells UN Security Council

Israeli state promotes Jewish supremacy said B'Tselem at UN Security Council

Lawyer calls to send all Palestinian captives to the gallows

BBC Hasbara antics: "Jordan Valley" is the new "Occupied West Bank"

Why does every place Islam reaches turn from green to yellow?

"The classroom is a war room"

"You are a terrorist in a suit."

Channel 4 reporting on widespread torture and sexual abuse have been reported in IDF detention center

Gilad Erdan, Israeli Ambassador to the UN farewell address: "Israel is the most moral country in the world

Benjamin Netanyahu did "everything in order to increase the power of Hamas"

Israel spox denies massacre: There were NO civilians killed

In an interview, Israeli historian Benny Morris claims that Israel has never bombed any hospital in Gaza

IDF arbitrarily detain people displaced from Khan Younis on "terrorism" suspicion

IDF totally destroyed and vandalized Gaza's key prosthetics hospital

Debunk IDF claims about terror tunnel in Sheikh Hamad hospital

How dare you compare our ethnic cleansing to the Holocaust?

MK says it legal and moral to encourage Gazans to "voluntarily migrate"

Debunk IDF claims about terror tunnel in Sheikh Hamad hospital

An IDF spokesman confirms it was an Israeli strike that hit the Jabalia refugee

RSF reconstruction of the death of one journalist and the injury of several others in Lebanon

Israel murders Palestinians with good intention

Naftali Bennett before becoming Prime Minister promotes courses to promote Zionist propaganda on Wikipedia

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.