Muhammad Shehada Videos

IDF is arming criminal gangs in Gaza with US-made assault rifles

You killed an unarmed, elderly deaf man? Respect!

Testimony of a traumatized Palestinian woman who survived the Israeli raid around al-Shifa hospital

IDF soldiers fire indiscriminately at starved Gazan crowds at the Rasheed street

A starved Gazan father shot in the abdomen by IDF soldiers while looking for flour

A young man carrying his brother's body in a bundle after IDF killed him while he was waiting fo aid truck

IDF soldiers spraying bullets indiscriminately at starved Gazans as they came desperately looking for incoming food trucks

Israeli occupation forces residents of Gaza City to bury their dead everywhere except in cemeteries

Premies' lives at risk as hospitals run out of fuel

IDF directly bombs fleeing Gazans after ordering them to evacuate in that particular direction.

Yinon Magal pretends to torture his own children as part of "Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge

Prisoner abuse "Manny Mamtara" viral challenge in a car

Prisoner song abuse viral challenge in driveway with dog

Musician who wrote "Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge song celebrated by IDF

Prisoner abuse to music viral challenge on a bus

"Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge in an office

Pretend to be humiliated Palestinians viral challenge

Israel's channel 12 enjoying a tortured laugh

Origin story for "Manny Mamtara" as a torture song

Blindfolded prisoners in a car, singing and laughing

IDF posted footage of the Palestinian homes they blew up in Jenin killing two young Palestinian

Ali Murder Celebrations at a Wedding

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.