"🇵🇸🇮🇱 Danny Dannon, a member of Netanyahu's Likud party, previously called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza and suggested western nations took them in. He cries anti semitism when his comments compare with that of Nazi germany!" - Source
former Israel UN Ambassador Danny Danon fuming and plays the shame/victim card when the journalist pressed him over his open call for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza that he thought was cleverly disguised as "voluntary migration". Gazans were seldom allowed to leave Gaza because of the strict land, sea and air blockade imposed by Israel. The news anchor Belle Donati disappeared from Sky News since this interview after Danny Danon addressed a threatening complaint to the channel under the same pretexts that is was shameful to draw comparisons with the Holocaust: https://archive.ph/42dWe
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.