Debunk IDF claims about terror tunnel in Sheikh Hamad hospital

Original Social Media Post

"Three months ago, Israel's military claimed that it found a Hamas tunnel under Sheikh Hamad Hospital. Although the construction company, which built the hospital, stated that what appeared in the Israeli video was a water well, the Israelis continued to repeat their claim. After Israeli forces withdrew from areas in the northwest of Gaza, @AlarabyTV correspondent visited the hospital to check on the alleged tunnel." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

"Our camera will go inside this room that the IDF claims is a terror tunnel. As you can see, this is simply a water reservoir with a total surface not exceeding 30m2."

This further confirms Al Jazeera's debunking in November 7, 2023, which also corroborated one of the original engineers involved in the architecture design of the hospital. The Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Hospital for Rehabilitation and Prosthetics, commonly known as the Qatari Hospital, was vital considering the scale of amputations inflicted by Israel on Gazans.

People in Video

Islam Bader

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.