IDF arbitrarily detain people displaced from Khan Younis on "terrorism" suspicion




17 February, 2024

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📍 Gaza - Khan Younis - South Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"The fear in those poor men's eyes make me feel so helpless. Their lives are in the hands of monsters, and I can't do anything to stop it. It's 7AM here. I couldn't go to sleep after I saw this. Had to at least show it to the world before I rest. Good morning, wake the fuck up."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Lieutenant Colonel Anan Farm, the commander of the Rotem battalion sorts people displaced from Khan Younis because they are "suspected of a certain terrorist activity" at an evacuation checkpoint and arbitrarily decides to arrest them. Channel 14. February 17

People in Video: Lt. Col. Anan Farm

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.