Demolition Order Videos

Israeli occupation forces destroyed & demolished a house in the town of Beit Awa

Muhyiddin Al-Suwaiti speaks about the Israeli occupation’s demolition of his brother’s house

Distress when the israeli forces demolished a Palestinian family's home in Beit Awwa

Israeli occupation forces the Palestinian Ahmed Alian to demolish his house in Beit_Safafa

Israeli occupation courts forced Ahmed Alyan to demolish his 23-year-old home in Beit Safafa

IDF demolished the home of the Palestinian Anis Natsheh in Farsh al-Hawa

Israeli military demolished Palestinian house and water well in Hebron hills

Children return home to no home

They demolish our homes, and we build them better

Home demolition in Az Zawiya Town

IDF drives women and children out of their home for a punitive demolition

Settlers and soldiers work together to evict Palestinians from the South Hebron Hills

IDF demolition of the Odeh family home in the occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan.

IDF launch punitive house demolitions in Palestinian in Umm al-Khair

West-Bank "landlord" Smotrich launches campaign of land theft

Israel demolishes home of family of 17, including 11 minors as part of the apartheid regime's efforts to expel Palestinian communities

Young couple and little ones made homeless in the desert

Israel makes another 4 Bedouin families homeless in Umm Al-Khair

Continued ethnic cleansing of Bedouin communities in the West Bank

Israel thanks Druze soldier's service in Gaza with a house demolition order

Israel deploys large police for demolition of Negev Bedouin community

Israeli demolition of Abu Kaff family home in Umm Batin, Negev

Report about demolitions in Umm Batin, Negev

IDF demolishes Bedouin Palestinian structures in Umm Batin, Negev

Scenes document the Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Home demolition in At-Tur, West Bank

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich approved his plan to legalise five illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank

Israeli settlers demolish 11 homes of Al-Malihat Arabs in Negev Safi, west of Jericho

to drive out Palestinian shepherd communities from the Jordan Valley, Israeli Settlers demolish 11 homes

Failed IDF attempt of demolition at a Druze home in Yirka, Galilee

The lsraeli occupation bulldozed more than 30 olive trees in the town of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem, on the property of the Alayan family

Israeli forces have sent a kidnapped civilian to Nasser Hospital to deliver an order of evacuation before killing him

In Safafa, Israeli occupation forces attack and arrest of Palestinians who oppose the colonization and land expropriation project

The Alyan family face relentless attacks from the Israeli forces as they strive to protect their land

IDF soldiers trapped children in a school in Kfar Safai and threw a stun grenade nearby

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.