48 Palestine Videos

Ben Gvir brags about distributing guns to settlers and worsening conditions in prisons in Mordehai David interview

Armed settlers invade a home in Jerusalem under IDF protection

Prominent rabbis stand against Al-Aqsa desecration

"Al-Quds is ours" Settlers harass journalists reporting the desecration Al-Aqsa mosque

Settlers in Jerusalem's old city ransacked and assaulted shop owners ahead of Tisha B'Av

Settlers in Jerusalem's old city ransacked and assaulted shop owners ahead of Tisha B'Av

15 Palestinians released from Israeli torture camps

15 Palestinians released from Israeli detention

Sde Teiman prisoners raped themselves

Bring your child to defend rapist jailers at Sde Teiman

Moazzaz Obayat recounts his arrest and brutal torture

Israel Prison Service PR - worsening treatment

Settlers wanting to settle in Gaza occupy a nature reserve near the Gaza border

Propaganda clip that is now played before every movie in one of Israel's largest movie theater chains

Oded Feller, a lawyer with the Association for Human Rights, is harassed for opposing Israel's policy of prisoner starvation in the courts

An Israeli journalist, Elior Levy of Channel 11, details Israel's deliberate policy of murdering family members of people targeted for assassination

MK Limor Son Har-Melech calls for conquest from Nile to Euphrates

Ben Gvir: "We are committed to returning to Gaza ... Together with settlement there must be an encouragement of emigration"

Moshe Feiglin: "Conquer all of Gaza ... It's either us or them"

"We have to erase them"

Israelis destroy bags of flour meant for starving people in Gaza

Settlers bully an elderly man until soldiers show up and attempt to arrest the victim

MK Zvi Sukkot (Jewish Power party): "We're gonna continue the war with all our might, without considering those who live next to the terrorists"

Israeli children, with their parents, destroy humanitarian aid to prevent it from reaching starving children in Gaza

Isrelis destroying food aid and throwing it on the road while waving flags

Israelis climbing on trucks and throwing boxes of humanitarian aid on the road

New episode of Sderot Cinema: Israelis sing and clap to bombs

Israel destroys the homes of non-Jewish Israeli citizens in Wadi Khalil

Masked soldier stands watch, home destroyed in Maghar

Genocide is Adorable

Karaoke Incitement

Genocidal incitement for kids

pro-genocide song 'Harbu Darbu' rapper posts extra racist verse about Arabs

Pretend to be humiliated Palestinians viral challenge

Israel's channel 12 enjoying a tortured laugh

Israel's top quality racist education

Former Israeli soldiers describe their crimes during the Nakba

Gvir's Got a Gun

All Deaths Mocked

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.