Arrest Videos

In Qabatiya, Israeli soldiers mutilated bodies with bulldozers

Israeli killed 3 Palestinian and not allowing medics to come close

Israeli soldier shot tear gas towards Jjournalists from a military vehicle in Qabatiya

Israeli bulldozers demolished the building the soldiers were besieging in the town of Qabatiya

Isareli soldiers threw the bodies of killed Palestinians from the roof of the besieged house

Israeli soldiers threw the bodies of killed Palestinian resistance fighters from the roof

Israeli soldiers desecrate bodies of Palestinians after throwing them from the roof of the besieged house

Video of Israeli forces retreating from Qalqilya

The moment the Israeli attack against Palestinian journalists in Qabatiya took place

Israeli forces opened fire on journalists wearing clearly visible β€œPRESS” vests in Qabatiya

The occupation forces assaulted photojournalist Mahmoud Zakarneh and tried to break his equipment

Israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian journalist Soheib Massalmeh in Shuafat

Israeli soldiers arrested Sheikh Abdullah Alqam after storming his house in Shuafat

Israeli Special forces raided Dheisheh camp, shot one youth and kidnaped three others

About ten settlers attacked students and the school principal at the school in Marjat

Jewish terrorism in Ma'arjat School, southern Jordan Valley

PRCS rescues a teacher severly wounded by settler assault on Al Ka’abna Elementary School

Testimony about the Al-Kaabna assault by Israeli settlers and army

Israeli soldiers and settlers arrest the director of the Bedouin Al-Kaabneh School and the teaching staff

Footage of an attack by a group of settlers against educational staff and students of the Al-Kaabna Arab Basic School in Al-Marajat

Israeli occupation forces the Palestinian Ahmed Alian to demolish his house in Beit_Safafa

Israeli occupation courts forced Ahmed Alyan to demolish his 23-year-old home in Beit Safafa

They demand freedom and justice for the 179 Palestinian healthcare workers who are detained without charge or trial by Israeli forces.

Dozens Palestinians arrested in Jenin accuse Israeli forces of using them as 'human shields'

Soldiers break into Tubas home, detain elderly man

IDF soldiers abuse a group of young men during their arrest

An Israeli soldier takes a selfie while arresting a young man in Nablus

The moment the Israeli Army abducted young Palestinian and brutally assaulted him in Ramallah

Israeli Army detains and brutalizes several Palestinian young men in Hebron

complete closure on Al-Khalil city and villages

IDF detention campaign in Beit Rima, Ramallah

The Israeli army is conducting night raids on the homes of Palestinian families in Shuafat

IDF sodliers arrested a number of Gaza workers during a raid in Bartaea

Scenes document the Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

Aliyan family's confrontation with Israeli bulldozers as they razed the family's land in Khirbet Tabalya

"I am sick".. Scenes documenting the Israely army’s attempt to arrest the elderly Noah Al-Haroub at home

IDF soldiers assault an elderly Palestinian man in Hebron

Settlers bully an elderly man until soldiers show up and attempt to arrest the victim

The lsraeli occupation bulldozed more than 30 olive trees in the town of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem, on the property of the Alayan family

Israeli soldiers kidnapped Muhammad Samih Karaja, after storming his house in the village of Umm Safa

In Safafa, Israeli occupation forces attack and arrest of Palestinians who oppose the colonization and land expropriation project

The Alyan family face relentless attacks from the Israeli forces as they strive to protect their land

IDF arrest and blindfold 2 men in Beit Ur al-Tahta raid

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.