Tali Videos

Criticize Israel and we'll send you to Gaza or WB, if we leave anything there

Want a dip in the pool? Too bad, no more water

Noga Arbell beaming "the IDF is currently annihilating Gaza!"

MK Tally Gotliv "Gazans are dead men walking"

We'll settle in Gaza in less than a year

Prime time TV promotes and cheers land theft in Gaza

Settlement is unrealistic? Look at all what we did in the West Bank!

Part2 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Part1 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Sde Teiman suspect rapist: investigators were real nice and thanked us

IDF Captain proudly admits on TV pursuing Nakba on Gaza

The 51st Battalion of the IDF creates a music video vowing to "Fuck Hezbollah after Hamas"

The 51st Battalion of the IDF rips off a Palestinian song to create a music video vowing to destroy houses as revenge

The 51st Battalion of the IDF creates a music video vowing to burn Gaza and shake all of Gaza

KAN digital shelling Gaza

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.