Ben Gvir watched and tortured Palestinians in prison




11 August, 2024

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📍 Negev - Ketziot Prison

Original Social Media Post

"وزير الامن القومي الإسرائيلي الارهابي بن غفير زار أحد السجون بعد أن تمت تعرية جماعية للمخطوفين الفلسطينيين وتجمعهم في الساحة العامة. قام بن غفير بالصعود على أجسامهم والسير والدهس على رؤوسهم. الاغتصاب كان باستخدام وسائل متنوعة مثل جزرة أو العصا أو الحديدة، أو بإطلاق الكلاب للاغتصاب. شهادة مروعة من مخطوف فلسطيني أطلق سراحه مؤخراً ."
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Archivist Notes On This Video

Testimony from a recently freed Palestinian hostage in the "Negev prison" Khaldoun Al Barghouthi He was detained before Oct7 and recounts the drastic escalation in physical and mental torture to shatter prisoners' minds and sadistically exact revenge.

  • He and other prisoners were subjected to beatings and mauling by Keter unit K9 dogs.
  • He was subjected to sexual torture by inserting a metal rod in his rectum which caused him injury and bleeding.
  • Other prisoners were also subjected to the same with different tools: carrots, wooden sticks or dog rape.
  • On the third or fourth day since Oct7, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir visited a prison after the kidnapped Palestinians were stripped en masse and gathered in the public square. Dogs were unleashed to rape in his presence while Ben Gvir climbed on their bodies, walked and trampled on their heads.

Theses corroborate multiple testimonies gathered by B'tselem. Particularly that of Firas Hassan who recounted officers saying: “We’re livestreaming for Ben Gvir.”

People in Video: Khaldoun Al Barghouthi

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.