Threat Videos

In Qabatiya, the school administration is conducting negotiations with Israelis to break the siege

Tear gas canisters are being fired near the besieged school of Qabatiya

Students and teachers are surrounded and trapped inside their school in Qabatiya

The moment the Israeli attack against Palestinian journalists in Qabatiya took place

Israeli forces opened fire on journalists wearing clearly visible β€œPRESS” vests in Qabatiya

Qabatiya school besieged

Qabatiya school full of children besieged by Israeli forces

Israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian journalist Soheib Massalmeh in Shuafat

Israeli forces dropped leaflets urging families to evacuate Wazzani in south Lebanon

Dozens of families are fleeing southern Lebanon after Israeli aircraft dropped leaflets on September 15

Footage from Umm Safa, a Palestinian village where settlers established an outpost

Hana' Suwetat offered herself as a human shield in place of her only son during the Israeli army raid on Jenin

A wounded during the assault on settlers protected by the occupation forces in the town of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers raided Palestinian-owned lands in Umm Safa in an attempt to expropriate them

Tonight a settler gangs attack the Umm Safa town

Settler terrorist gangs fired live bullets at citizens' homes in the town of Umm Safa

Armed settler groups, backed by the Israeli soldiers, have entered Jabal Al-Ras in Umm Safa

Israeli settlers continue land leveling just meters from homes in Umm Safa village

State of Israel distributes illegally land of Uum Safa to Zvi Bar Yosef who many countries have imposed sanctions on

Soldiers throw grenades at protesters against land seizure

"No matter how many bombs are dropped by IDF, the people of Gaza will never abandon their land"

"Maybe tomorrow we will even have more UNRWA staff being killed."

Teacher and children in Gaza starting the school year in a field of rubble and unexploded ordinance surrounded by Israeli drones.

Dozens Palestinians arrested in Jenin accuse Israeli forces of using them as 'human shields'

The people of Umm Safa (Ψ£Ω… ءفا) are desperately calling for help

Israeli forces blocked a UN convoy delivering polio vaccines and attacked their car with a bulldozer

Journalists told "Go home" as IDF jeeps push them out

Meet the β€˜civilians’ in Israel, walking around with machine guns and weapons

Testimonies of two Jenin residents used as Human shields by Israeli soldiers in Jenin

"They deliberately targeted the sewage and drinking water, and deliberately destroyed them"

IDF soldiers abuse a group of young men during their arrest

Mustafa Barghouti notes the terrible destruction of the Jenin camp after the withdrawal of the IDF

Journalist Mahmoud Al-Awadiya was meters away from an Israeli airstrike

Israeli armored vehicles attempt to run over Palestinian journalists in Tulkarem

Israeli soldiers threaten driver, shoot out truck tire at checkpoint

14-year-old who was shot dead by an Israeli sniper in Tulkarem

IDF snipers shot at & hit journalist Mohamad Mansour, & injured his colleagues, while driving outside the village of Kfar Dan

Soldiers shoot to threaten journalists in Thinnaba, Tulkarm

Israeli D9 attacked and blocked a Palestine Red Crescent ambulance in Jenin

Journalist Muhammad Mansour was injured by the shooting of Israeli Army in Kfar Dan

First aid after IDF shot on two journalists from the WAFA news agency were traveling by car in Kafr Dan

Journalist and activist @the_andrey_x talks about being an activist against settler violence

Soldiers throw stun grenade at complying jounalists

IDF shooting at journalists on day 7 of the raid, 2 injured

Photojournalists who were covering attacks in the West Bank were directly targeted by Israeli soldiers bullets.

Paramedics lynched, beaten and detained by Israeli Army, and their ambulance vandalised in Jenin

Israeli Army Targeted Journalists in Jenin : Testimony of freelance Journalist Jarah Khalaf

Three journalists injured in Kafr Dan by IDF

An Israeli military bulldozer attacked Palestinian journalists in Jenin.

TRT crew "cheated death one more time today"

IDF shooting and chasing journalists with bulldozers

Ayman Abed, a 56-year old Paletinian in Kufr-dan village in Jenin was abducted and tortured to death

Israeli soldiers raided a medical center in occupied Jerusalem, and arrested a Palestinian doctor

Israeli soldiers raided a healthcare clinic in the al-Salam neighborhood to abduct a doctor

Jenin: journalists shot at and chased by bulldozer

Al Jazeera correspondent had to end a live report under Israeli Army threat

IDF bulldozers threaten to run over journalist in Jenin

Jenin: IDF terrorizes fleeing journalists with gunfire and bulldozers.

Journalists in Jenin flee under IDF gunfire

"Drones are flying above me and a quadcopter as well.... I am exposed in a tent"

Polio vaccination : "We can put a band-aid on these things but we cannot treat the problem because the conditions are the same"

Settlers terrorize Qusra villages while soldiers join in with live ammunition

Hebron : IDF soldier open fire on onlookers after killing a Palestinian

Al-Haq NGO field researcher for southern Hebron arrested and mistreated by Israeli Army

Despite being targeted by gunfire & having their work obstructed PRCS teams continue to provide humanitarian and emergency services

complete closure on Al-Khalil city and villages

Testimony of Jenin families told to leave their homes

Journalist testimony about IDF shooting in direction of journalists near Jenin

Jenin families told that the IDF siege will last another 10 days

IDF responds to journalists requesting safe passage with shooting

For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure

Israeli bulldozers demolishing the infrastructure of the Tulkarm camp blocking the entrance to Balawneh neighborhood.

IDF evicts then forces a family back to prevent recording of evidence

Summary D1 "Operation summer camps" by palinfo

Analodou journalist report of Tulkarem situation Day -2

28/8 Occupation’s threat to raid Jenin Hospital "Operation Summer camp" Day 1

Israeli occupation forces storm the eastern area of Nablus

Siege of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, since last night

Siege of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, North of the West Bank

IDF destroying cables in Jenin

IDF close all the entrances to the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin

IDF incursion Jenin

Israeli army tergeted Palestinian with snipers in Nour Shams refugee camp

IDF wreak havoc in the eastern neighborhood of Jenin

IDF storming Tulkarm, destroying roads, blocking hospitals

IDF raids homes in Jenin

IDF destroying parked Palestinian vehicles in Jenin

Summary of IDF incursion in West Bank (Northern camps)

TRT World's summary of large-scale IDF incursion in West Bank

A military bulldozer accompanied by vehicles is deployed at the entrance to Jenin camp

IDF soldiers, accompanied by police dogs, storming a house in Nour Shams camp

IDF blocking ambulance and harassing paramedics in Jenin

" There are tanks in areas that used to be designated as safe areas."

Forced evacuation of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Deir al-Balah

Armed settlers threaten Palestinians while building an outpost near Beit Furik

IDF attack on al-Far'a Refugee Camp

An IDF drone opens fire at the tents of displaced Palestinians in Deir Al Balah

Continued ethnic cleansing in the West Bank caused by settler terror

Testimony of a Palestinian man used as a human Shield by IDF

Journalist Islam Bader talks about his coping mechanisms

Bisan speaks of the endless unreal dehumanizing forced displacement

IDF soldiers abducted young woman at the Beit Furik checkpoint east of Nablus

Civilians flee Salah al-Din after IDF threatens another strike

Paramedics forced to leave behind victims before a second IDF strike near Salah al-Din school

Dr Rizwan Minhas, who was in mission in Gaza, testifies to the indiscriminant targeting of children by IDF in Gaza

Massive displacement of civilians along the sea

MK Tally Gotliv "Gazans are dead men walking"

TRT Arabi reporter Sami Barhoum slightly injuried in the IDF attack that taregted his team

IDF terrorism: calls a man to order immediate neighborhood evacuation, bombs residential building

Medical care of Salma Al-Qaddoumi after she was injuried by IDF

Rescue of Salma Al Qadoumi Palestinian - Australian journalist wounded by IDF while covering ground operations

Journalist Salma Al-Qaddoumi wounded in the back : IDF attempt to murder a group of journalists

Montage of the Continuous coverage of genocide in Gaza for more than 10 months

Canadian Dr recounts IDF extreme abuse of healthcare workers

"Coverage continues" Montage of targeted Gazan journalists by IDF

Soldier-settler violates court orders, terrorizes shepherds and assaults activists

You owe us your existence and you chose death

"Cry, cry, I want to kill you now""

israel has shamefully succeeded in normalizing bombing πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ schools/refugee shelters

IDF used Gazan as human shield to enter danger areas and film

β€œJenin should be treated like Gaza.”

"Just Listen : It’s the drone’s sound. How do we suppose to live with this ?"

Settlers attempted to steal a flock of 400 sheep in the village of Tubas

"You know Sde Teiman? Rape in the name of god"

MK wants nuclear war with Iran

Settlers steal wheat harvested from a field in Wadi Rahim in Susia and police refuses to come

"We're gonna get you like we got Al Shifa" IDF constantly threatened medical staff

Disabled elderly man forced to flee Braij refugee camp following IDF occupation threats

"I would very much like to see Beirut burning today, going up in flames in response to the event that happened"

Life or death-West Bank villagers helpless against settlers and IDF

Settlers assault Jewish solidarity activists in the town of Qusra

Settlers assault elderly villagers of Shi'b al-Batim

A Gaza citizen (Alaa Dardas) was sniped by IDF when he was going to check on his house

Israeli forces invade a house in the village of Umm Safa, West Bank

Footages showing Palestinians being used as human shields by IDF

Civil Defense personnel targeted by IDF troops while collecting human remains

We'll turn you (West Bank) into a pile of rubble just like we did to Gaza

A settler wearing a uniform evicts Wadi Rahim in Sossia from his private land

Over 200 days, Hind Khoudray and other Palestinian journalists filmed Israel’s military assault on the Gaza strip

Israeli soldiers invaded the outskirts of Umm Safa and went through the village's streets, shooting indiscriminately.

Civil Defense document themselves being targeted

On one side, there is bombing, on the other side, people filling cans with water

Hossam, a journalist in Gaza, receives call from IDF demanding he leave Jabalya

Expulsion of Palestinian farmers by stellers and police in Sossia, West Bank

Evacuation of Abu Yousef Annajar Hospital

Testimonies of two children as besieged patients in Al-shifa hospital during the IDF occupation in March

A Palestinian woman recounts her time in detention and all kinds of abuses inflicted by the IDF

After he murder of Shireen Abu Akleh by IDF in 2022, the number of female journalists in the field increased said Shatha Hanaysha

IDF executed Ahmed Abu Helal after using him for translation

Israeli soldiers kidnapped Muhammad Samih Karaja, after storming his house in the village of Umm Safa

Ameed Ibrahim Samih Jayousi (31 y/0), was killed by Israeli soldiers bullets in the village of Umm Safa

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian farmers and steal a number of their sheep

IDF tanks surrounding population during the Nasser hospital siege

How dare you compare our ethnic cleansing to the Holocaust?

Israeli settlers digged symbolic graves for children near Al-Ma'rajat primary school as a threat.

Israeli settlers dug small graves (the size of children) in front of a school for a Palestinian Bedouin community in Jericho

Israeli soldiers try to prevent palestinian farmers from reaching their lands in the eastern region of the village of Umm Safa

"Hey Sherin, I survived, for the second time, I survived."

Israeli settlers and soldiers bulldoze lands in Jabal al-Ras in the village of Umm Safa

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes. 1. Civilians as human shields

Testimony about IDF soldiers beating a Palestinian pregnant woman in the head and belly

IDF soldiers use a Palestinian civilian as a human shield in Shujjaia Neighborhood

IDF directly threatens journalist Anas Al-Sharif

Israeli soldiers savagely beat and kidnap Iyad Banat from occupied Hebron

Women and children waving a white flag are targeted by an IDF sniper and one of the women is killed

Israeli forces attack a protest of Palestinian residents and activists against a new settlement outpost in Umm Safa

Israeli forces killed 24-year-old Abdul-Jawad Salah whilst defending his town, Umm Safa

IDF soldiers trapped children in a school in Kfar Safai and threw a stun grenade nearby

Quadcopter Speakers

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.