Shuja'iya Videos

Difficult context for live journalistic coverage of Shuja'iya school massacre by IDF

A family from Shujai'ya tell how IDF's dogs attacked and killed a disable young Palestinian

In a show of resilience, Palestinians play tennis amidst the destruction left behind the recent Israeli onslaught on Shujaiyya neighborhood in Gaza City

video published by a soldier from Battalion 5280 setting fires to homes and infrastructure in the Shuja'iya neighborhood

A barefoot child carries a solar panel and backpack as she flees her home in home in Al-Shuja'iyya due to the IDF attacking her neighborhood

Due to Israel destroying ambulances, a father is forced to carry his daughter to the hospital after she was injured when Israel bombed Shuja'iya

Renovated the landscape

Torching Shuja'iya neighborhood, genocidal off-comment of Israeli soldier (D.B.) from the Givati Brigade, operation 8th candle of Hanukkah

IDF soldiers use a Palestinian civilian as a human shield in Shujjaia Neighborhood

Cries of civilians as background noise

a little light repels a lot of darkness

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.