Genocidal Intent Videos

“Taking a weekend break, and then we’ll be back to tear down your houses."

"Good night to all this area that I’m going to destroy tomorrow.”

"Good night to all this area that I’m going to destroy tomorrow.”

Official 649 page document of Palestinian killed by Israel in Gaza : those in first 14 pages are not even 1 y/o

"Thank god, we are hitting and breaking the Gazans"

She is the sole survivor of her family

"The Torah says that they must be blotted out.. until victory & settlement"

Dozens Palestinians arrested in Jenin accuse Israeli forces of using them as 'human shields'

Giora Eiland launches new Israeli campaign to starve northern Gaza and invade it

Yesterday he received the polio vaccine and today he was killed by an Israeli air strike

Dr. Zuhaili reacts to new Al-Mawasi camp massacre by IDF airstrikes

Bennet genocidal speech about people of Gaza

Where is Doha, THE little girl abducted by IDF soldiers ?

Blowing up the Saudi neighborhood in Rafah to "wipe the seed of Amalek"

85% of infrastructure has been damaged by the Israeli army in Jenin since the start of the siege

Two Nice jewish People : Who are the Palestinians

Two Nice Jewish Boys : Palestinian prisoners of Sde Teiman deserve to be raped

“Two Nice Jewish Boys” Israelis desire a button for “mass death and deportation”

Two Nice Jewish People : Projecting Palestinian Suffering Could Increase Israeli Pleasure

We eliminated Gaza, my friends

Speech of volonteer Dr. Yipeng Ge about genocidal war in Gaza

179 Palestinian health workers are being held in secret detention by Israeli forces.

Where is Doha Talat the Palestinian little girl abducted by IDF soldier ?

Dr. I am an eyewitness to genocide in Gaza.

Criticize Israel and we'll send you to Gaza or WB, if we leave anything there

Radio : significance of Israel's ongoing military operation in WB

"Palestinian medical system is a legitimate target for them"

“We’ll burn everything”

Footage of Abdulrahma, first case of Polio in Gaza since 25 years

"I have been to Gaza twice now....I saw horrifying injuries that indicated deliberate [Israeli] targeting of children"

"They are just waiting for their turn to be killed in the Gaza Strip."

IDF prevents ambulance carrying injured man from reaching Jenin government hospital

Jenin Governmental Hospital blocked by IDF

"we destroy just to destroy, leaving behind us total devastation"

A list of the Za'anin family members killed by Israel, including fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren, and in-laws

Mass destruction is how you vanquish your enemy

Mass destruction is how you vanquish your enemy

Dozens of soldiers happily sing genocidal song "Mi Meshuga"

"The classroom is a war room"

Al Jazeera: Israel's war on Islam

Rebuildgaza24 and Dr Mohamed just completed the water well project, providing 1000s of people drinkable water

"You are a terrorist in a suit."

Mr State Attorney should indict all Israelis as we ALL wanted to erase Gaza

American doctors testify: "They are deliberately killing children in Gaza."

We can't save lives if you keep sending bombs

Former Israeli Defense Minister calls for depriving Gaza Strip of food, water, electricity, and fuel

Dr Rizwan Minhas, who was in mission in Gaza, testifies to the indiscriminant targeting of children by IDF in Gaza

Noga Arbell beaming "the IDF is currently annihilating Gaza!"

MK Tally Gotliv "Gazans are dead men walking"

The torture of daily IDF evacuation orders

Total victory is possible because Gazans are finite

"Not a single building will remain intact"

"I’ve lost track of how many eye amputations, as an ophthalmologist, I did myself."

rebuildgaza24 : providing clean drinkable water is the ONLY medical alternative

"And again and again we will not rest until to win"

At least triple of 40,000 killed directly and indirectly by Israel

Full story: Abu Al-Qumsan family massacre

Canadian Dr recounts IDF extreme abuse of healthcare workers

Abu Al-Qumsan family murder was intentional

American Dr: There's no question that Israel IS targeting children, elderly and women

“We, healthcare workers, witnessed a genocidal will, intention”

We'll settle in Gaza in less than a year

Prime time TV promotes and cheers land theft in Gaza

Settlement is unrealistic? Look at all what we did in the West Bank!

“There’s sexual punishment, greater punishments, greater beatings.”

You owe us your existence and you chose death

israel has shamefully succeeded in normalizing bombing 🇵🇸 schools/refugee shelters

Dr Mohamed @rebuildgaza24 defies expulsion orders to keep providing water to the displaced people

“There is a policy!" about Israel’s Systematic Torture of Palestinian Prisoners, following Francesca Albanese

“Jenin should be treated like Gaza.”

B'tselem presents in Democracy Now TV the new report documenting torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners

Dr. recounts the horrific wounds of a child he treated and deliberate child-sniping by IDF

Don't wait. NUKE Yemen and Iran by order of the Torah

Smotrich: Starving 2 million Gazans is just and moral

When I was in Gaza March (2024), young Reem was a victim of decimation of cancer care

Report to the UN Security Council on the dire living conditions of women and children in southern Gaza

IDF: No Hamas leader will be safe EVEN AMONG CIVILIANS

"May all of Gaza burn" destruction is not enough

IDF - Annihilation good vibes

Pro-rape protestors shout genocidal slogans, demand jailer rapist release

MK Tally Gotliv: We SALUTE our brave rapist jailers

Soldiers and politicians protest at Sde Teiman torture camp against rape investigation

A protest against the arrests of IDF soldiers accused of extreme torture of palestinian detainees

IDF detonate Rafah water reservoir (Canada Well) 'in honor of Shabbat'

IDF Captain proudly admits on TV pursuing Nakba on Gaza

We LOVE destroying their villages

Israeli soldier brags to radio host about past and future destruction in Rafah

MK: we'll kick families of "terrorists" to Gaza

Palestinian tries to negotiate safe evacuation over phone, but IDF strikes civilians when call ends

Polio virus found in Gaza sewage but only IDF soldiers can be vaccinated

IDF targets water infrastructure to spread epidemics in Gaza

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich rejects the existence of the Palestinian people and therefore of the Palestinian state

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich tells Knesset that Palestinian state cannot exist because Palestinians do not exist

MK: we'll humiliate terrorists' families and expel all of you to Gaza

IDF soldier and rabbi cites Bible to rejoice over Palestinian body in street

Amichai Chikli, Minister of Diaspora Affairs, calls for emptying northern Gaza to make Israeli agricultural land

Former head of of the Israeli Prison Service's Intelligence System, ex-Assistant Commissioner Betty Lahat: "We should have given each one a bullet in the head after he is interrogated"

Ariel Kellner: "Victory is when they know that we won… when they lose land.. WHEN THE HOUSE OF ISLAM TURNS INTO THE HOUSE OF THE JEWS”

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Because the Gazan scum who nest also in the West Bank and among us [48 arabs] Must be annihilated completely"

IDF footage captures how it murdered unarmed men for no reason

Ben Gvir: "We are committed to returning to Gaza ... Together with settlement there must be an encouragement of emigration"

Moshe Feiglin: "Conquer all of Gaza ... It's either us or them"

Israeli TV Channel 13's Hila Alroi justifies the murder of Gazan civilians

We'll turn you (West Bank) into a pile of rubble just like we did to Gaza

Leave. Only Jews will control the area, from the river to the sea

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Victory is to take their land ... flatten it and build settlements on it"

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "The Arabs [in the West Bank] are sons of satan and there will be no peace with them"

"I performed more amputations on children in two weeks in Gaza than I have in my entire career ‼️"

Genocidal speech of Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, explicitly and openly about ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinian.

MK Zvi Sukkot (Jewish Power party): "We're gonna continue the war with all our might, without considering those who live next to the terrorists"

Genocidal speech of B. Smortrich, Israeli minister of defence and finance

"These people there (in Gaza) deserve death. And instead we see them enjoying on the beach", Yehuda Schlesinger said

"Anatomy of a genocide" by Franceska Albanase

Funerals of Ameer, a dedicated Palestine RCS volunteer


Witnesses to the “Flour Massacre” on February 29 believe it was “pre-planned” and “intentional”

Investigation about the "Flour Massacre" in Al Rasheed Street in Gaza City, February 29

"Flour Massacre" is not unbearable for E. Amrusi if you “look away”

"We're cleaning the world's most stinky toilet" by starving and killing people of Gaza

IDF soldiers fire indiscriminately at starved Gazan crowds at the Rasheed street

IDF soldiers spraying bullets indiscriminately at starved Gazans as they came desperately looking for incoming food trucks

Cpt. Avshalom Slock joins other Israelis attempting to block humanitarian aid in Gaza

Pro-genocide song "Kulu Tamam"

The International Court of Justice, on a 15 to 2 vote demands Israel take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza

Lt. Col. Oren Schindler had genocidal speech on a live radio interview

MK says it legal and moral to encourage Gazans to "voluntarily migrate"

“The Israelis are intentionally turning Gaza into a habitable place"

Unfortunately we shot the kids

IDF soldiers admitting that they are fighting in Gaza to “come back” and build settlements.

Israelis want to see the sea, the beach. For this, we must destroy all the houses in Gaza.

Torching Shuja'iya neighborhood, genocidal off-comment of Israeli soldier (D.B.) from the Givati Brigade, operation 8th candle of Hanukkah

We did in Beit Hanoun what Simeon & Levy did in Nablus. Let's do the same in all Gaza

An Israeli missile dropped on a densely populated residential building

"The woman is an enemy, the baby is an enemy .. & the pregnant woman is an enemy." said IDF analyst Eliyahu Yossian

Genocide song: Mi Meshuga? (Who's Crazy?)

IDF soldiers laughing about murdering the people of Gaza. "All the Detergent in the World can't make you Clean!"*

Yoav Gallant, Israel's Defense Minister: "What we do in Gaza we know how to do in Beirut"

Revenge is a great value. Gazans won't be able to live here

We're implementing a scorched earth policy. Nothing left.

Shay Golden's explicit genocidal incitement on Israeli TV are becoming the reality

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Gaza will be annihilated ... total annihilation ... for our national pride"

Call to burn Gaza, neighborhood after neighborhood, by Israeli Senior Commander, Colonel Elad Schwartz

We need to see "Gaza RIP" pictures

No food, water or electricity. Make a total siege to bring about harsh disaster.

Lt. Colonel David Levi: “We must act so that Gaza simply won’t be. Not that it won’t return to be as it was Gaza simply won’t be”

Orit Malka Strook Minister of Settlements and National Missions called to colonize Gaza by killing many people

"Gaza is a graveyard" racist songs by the fans of Beitar Jerusalem football team against Palestinian

1988-crowd applauds YItzhak Rabin boasting his killing, injuring and detaining Palestinians

"We have to attack water treatment plants in order to create a situation of thirst and hunger in Gaza.", Giora Eiland said.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.