Jabalia al-Balad Videos

Rush to save victims of the strike on Al-Najajr family home

"On this night, and every night, Israeli strikes against the homes of civilians do not stop."

Searching for the Al-Najjar family with bare hands and simple tools

Civil Defense recover casualties from Al-Najjar family home

Injuries (mostly children) arrive at Indonesian Hospital after Al-Najjar family massacre

Ambulance crews and neighbors recover casualties of the Al-Najjar family massacre

Journalist take child injured in Hinnawi family massacre to hospital

Live report from the Al-Hinnawi family massacre

Evacuating victims of the Hinnawi family massacre

Hinnawi baby's hollowed skull filled with cloth for dignified burial

Hinnawi family bombing caused extensive damage to the surrounding block

A distressing scene showing mutilated baby girl from the Al-Hanawi family after IDF airstrike

IDF massacre against the family of Jabir Al-Hanawi, an employee of Jabalia Municipality

Hanawi family massacre : Six bodies were recovered from the bombed house

Horrific moment just after the IDF airstrike on the Hanawi family home

Hanawi family massacre : medical workers pulled out a the body of a child from under the rubble

Hanawi family massacre : several children killed by IDF airstrike

"Of course this 7-months old girl is the one shooting rockets"

Rescue of injured members of Hanawi family after IDF airstrike on their home

Medical staff pull the mangled body of a young child from the Hanawi family from the rubble

The body of the Hanawi family baby is brought down after the massacre committed by IDF

Heavy rains return: a boon for water scarcity and heat, but worsen living conditions

Relentless IDF night shelling targets bakery and causes extensive damage

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.