كرم حسّان | Karam Hassan Videos

Grieving women shocked after Israeli massacre at Hafsa school

Shrouds full of shreds of victims slaughtered by Israel at Hafsa school

Body parts from IDF school massacre collected in a cool box

Civil Defense guide a wounded member of the Al-Sahhar family out of his destroyed house

Rescuing the Nassar family - carried to the ambulance

Civil Defense search for victims with nothing but a sledgehammer

Man found under the rubble, his neck torn open

Severed foot and other body parts found at the Azzam family home

Azzam boy thought his father lost his legs, learns of his death

Flesh pieces and bloodstains on the street

Only son killed while getting coffee for his father

Young man rescued from the rubble of Suwaidan house

Arriving at the bombed Suwaidan house through the haze

Bustan family children bid farewell to their father

Retrieving martyrs from the Siyam family

Col. Mohammad Morsi died while declaring the shahada

Traces of intense IDF morning shelling on Beit Lahia

Cultivating a haven of natural beauty in a tent

Strike on Hammad family in Jabalia: 2 killed

2 children among 4 killed in strike on Yassin and Fayoumi families

One man killed in a drone strike in Al-Houja street in Jabalia

Shredded corpse dangling from the wreckage of a paramedic's home after bombing

Journalists lead funeral procession of Ismail Alghoul and Rami Al-Rifi

Press vest offers us ZERO protection! anger at IDF murder of colleagues Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi

Press vest offers us ZERO protection! anger at IDF murder of colleagues Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi

My friends with whom I used to pray are all in pieces-aftermath of IDF massacre on Shati mosque

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.