Bereaved mother "Let me see him"

Original Social Media Post

""سيبوني..أمانة خلّيني أشوفه" أُمنية الوداع الأخير في غزّة، تظلّ حسرة في قلوب نسائها اللواتي ذقنَ كلّ أشكال الخسارة، وتجرّعن ألمًا لا يُحتمل. لله هذه القلوبُ وما فقدت."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of caption:

"Leave me alone...Please let me see him"

The wish of the last farewell in Gaza remains a regret in the hearts of its women who have tasted all forms of loss and suffered unbearable pain.

To God belong these hearts and what they have lost.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.