"Leave the children out of this!"




18 November, 2024


Original Social Media Post

"يحملُ هذا الرّجل ساق طفلة صغيرة بعدما تقطّعت إلى أشلاء! أطفالنا صاروا أشلاء بعدما قطّعهم الاحتلال الإسرائيليّ، رأيتُ ذلك بعيني وما زال الكثيرون يقولون: ليس هنالك دليل على الإبادة في #غزة إليكم الدليل أمام الله على بطشكم.." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

This man carries a little girl's leg after it was torn into pieces!

Our children were torn into pieces after the Israeli occupation cut them up, I saw it with my own eyes and many still say: There is no evidence of genocide in #Gaza

Here is the evidence before God of your brutality..

Archivist Notes: Abu Riyala family - Al-Jalaa

Around 10:30 am, an Israeli airstrike targeted the house of the Abu Riyala family in Al-Jalaa Street, in the middle of Gaza City.

Seven people were killed.

Names of the martyrs (identified): Fatima Abu Riyala (child)


The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.