"يحملُ هذا الرّجل ساق طفلة صغيرة بعدما تقطّعت إلى أشلاء! أطفالنا صاروا أشلاء بعدما قطّعهم الاحتلال الإسرائيليّ، رأيتُ ذلك بعيني وما زال الكثيرون يقولون: ليس هنالك دليل على الإبادة في #غزة إليكم الدليل أمام الله على بطشكم.." - Source
This man carries a little girl's leg after it was torn into pieces!
Our children were torn into pieces after the Israeli occupation cut them up, I saw it with my own eyes and many still say: There is no evidence of genocide in #Gaza
Here is the evidence before God of your brutality..
Around 10:30 am, an Israeli airstrike targeted the house of the Abu Riyala family in Al-Jalaa Street, in the middle of Gaza City.
Seven people were killed.
Names of the martyrs (identified): Fatima Abu Riyala (child)
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.