"كانوا يسكنون هذا الصّف الدراسيّ في مدرسة "مسقط"، والذي قصفه الاحتلال على رؤوسهم هذه الليلة. ينتشلون ما تبقّى من فتات ملابسهم ومقتنياتهم من تحت الردم، ويحملونها إلى المجهول، لا يدرون إلى أين الوجهة ستكون!" - Source
Translation of caption: They lived in this classroom in Muscat School, which the occupation bombed over their heads tonight.
They pull out the remaining scraps of their clothes and belongings from under the rubble, and carry them into the unknown, not knowing where they will go!
On October 2, around 1 am, Israel bombed the Musqat School, in Tuffah neighborhood of Gaza City, northern Gaza.
Two witnesses recounted that the school was struck with four bombs. The tail actuation section of a Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)/GBU-39 was found on the scene.
Hours later, reports attributed to the Civil Defense stated that the death toll reached 25 and dozens of injuries.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.