""أدب النّازحين" كتاباتٌ على جدران مدرسة "مسقط" في حيّ التفاح في مدينة #غزة، والتي استهدفها الاحتلال الإسرائيليّ هذه الليلة، مما أدّى إلى استشهاد ٢١ شخصًا وإصابة العديد." - Source
"Literature of the dispalced" The Muscat school had been used as a shelter since Israeli airstrikes targeted it. The displaced people wrote their thoughts on the walls.
On October 2, around 1 am, Israel bombed the Musqat School, in Tuffah neighborhood of Gaza City, northern Gaza.
Two witnesses recounted that the school was struck with four bombs. The tail actuation section of a Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)/GBU-39 was found on the scene.
Hours later, reports attributed to the Civil Defense stated that the death toll reached 25 and dozens of injuries.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.