Muarrajat Videos

About ten settlers attacked students and the school principal at the school in Marjat

Jewish terrorism in Ma'arjat School, southern Jordan Valley

PRCS rescues a teacher severly wounded by settler assault on Al Ka’abna Elementary School

Testimony about the Al-Kaabna assault by Israeli settlers and army

Israeli soldiers and settlers arrest the director of the Bedouin Al-Kaabneh School and the teaching staff

Footage of an attack by a group of settlers against educational staff and students of the Al-Kaabna Arab Basic School in Al-Marajat

30 livestock animals poisoned to death by settlers

Farmers take out their livestock killed by terrorist settler

Palestinian loses dozens of livestock due settler terror

Israeli settlers digged symbolic graves for children near Al-Ma'rajat primary school as a threat.

Jewish settlers hung blood-stained dolls on the wall of a Palestinian school od Mu

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.