Impunity Videos

UN has called for a full investigation for Aysenur assassination

The point of situation about Aysenur assassination

Nablus governor about Aysenur Ezgi Eygi assassination and accountability

IDF soldiers attack Palestinian lands in Qaryut village in Nablus

International community has failed to stop Israeli crimes against humanity, B'Tselem said at UN Security Council

"They executed my daughter without reason," says Lujain Osama Musleh's father

Testimony of Lujain Musleh’s father at her funerals

A 16-year-old girl in Jenin was shot in the forehead inside home by Israeli sniper

Journalist and activist @the_andrey_x talks about being an activist against settler violence

Two Nice Jewish People : On their attempt to be Most Moral

Two Nice Jewish People : about Jewish Supremacy

Two Nice Jewish People : against Internation Law and accountability

Two Nice Jewish People : about the Jewish right to steal Palestinian houses

"All of Geneva, and the whole Hague and all of Europe…are Sodom! "

Settler Isaschar Manne brought his herd to drink from the family’s water cistern

Al Jazeera's Nida Ibrahim reports on Israeli raids on Tulkarm

Meir Ben Shitrit, IDF reservist who was investigated for suspicion of rape guest star on Israeli TV

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman, helped by IDF soliders and military police, invaded the village of Zanota

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman invaded the village of Zanota

Alice Kisiya explains her situation fighting settlers who took over her home

Mr State Attorney should indict all Israelis as we ALL wanted to erase Gaza

Throwing a stun grenade inside a moving car

Four settlers, including Yanon Levy and Eili Federman invaded the village of Zanota

Part II Channel 4 reporting on sexual abuses and torture allegations in israeli detention centers

Channel 4 reporting on widespread torture and sexual abuse have been reported in IDF detention center

UN HQ should be closed and wiped off the face of the earth

Armed settlers invade a home in Jerusalem under IDF protection

Ben Gvir watched and tortured Palestinians in prison

Soldier-settler violates court orders, terrorizes shepherds and assaults activists

Prime time TV promotes and cheers land theft in Gaza

Settlement is unrealistic? Look at all what we did in the West Bank!

Pro-rape protest opposes "non-jewish values"

MK defends illegal settlers assaulting at gunpoint "spies" Palestinian women and child

"This is Sodom!" Protest pro-sodomizing prisoners

After prime time on TV - Rapist jailer takes his mask off

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal-target Channel 12 which aired the footage

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

Rapist jailer gets TV prime time, doesn't deny evidence footage

APC rams moving cars on the road, too busy to wait

"You know Sde Teiman? Rape in the name of god"

Settlers steal wheat harvested from a field in Wadi Rahim in Susia and police refuses to come

Sde Teiman suspect rapist: investigators were real nice and thanked us

IDF sexual torture suspect recount being thanked and applauded by investigators

Settlers evict Christian Kisiya family in Al-Makhrour valley (West Bank) from their private property

Pro-rape protestors shout genocidal slogans, demand jailer rapist release

How dare you arrest me for raping a prisoner to protect our country!

Soldiers and politicians protest at Sde Teiman torture camp against rape investigation

Dozens of Israeli Protesters breaking into Yemen Base to prevent the arrest of soldiers who raped Palestinian prisoners

Israeli TV Channel 13's Hila Alroi justifies the murder of Gazan civilians

After "Flour Massacre" Pr. Elbashan still supports the war even he sounds concerned about the starving children

Why can't IDF go to back its terrorist origins!?

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.