Desecration Videos

State of Israel distributes illegally land of Uum Safa to Zvi Bar Yosef who many countries have imposed sanctions on

Jews desecrating the Al-Aqsa compound is now a daily occurrence

IDF littered and ransacked Khalid ibn al-Walid mosque in Jenin

IDF littered and ransacked Khalid ibn al-Walid mosque in Jenin

IDF littered and ransacked Khalid ibn al-Walid mosque in Jenin

IDF raid and shoot inside Khalid ibn al-Walid Mosque in Jenin

Settlers desecrate Al-Aqsa mosque again

Prominent rabbis stand against Al-Aqsa desecration

IDF soldiers kidnap the dead bodies of the Palestinians they killed in Tubas

"Al-Quds is ours" Settlers harass journalists reporting the desecration Al-Aqsa mosque

Ben-Gvir desecrates Al Aqsa mosque compound on Tisha B'av

Aftermath of the Al-Tabi'in worship place massacre

Megiddo prison is Abu Ghraib - jailers laughed when a prisoner didn't wake up

IDF handed over 89 Palestinian bodies in only 35 shrouds, all decomposed, to the Red Cross

IDF handed over 89 bodies of Palestinians they had killed in Gaza and abducted

Digging of a mass grave in Turkish cemetery to bury 80 bodies of Palestinian abducted by IDF

IDF completely razed graves in Bani Suhaila Cemetery

IDF litters & turns Bani Suheila cemetery into HUGE hole

An Israeli bulldozer carrying the bodies of Palestinians who were killed by the occupation forces

An IDF bulldozer carrying the bodies of Palestinians killed by the IDF during a raid.

An IDF bulldozer parades the streets with bodies of slain Palestinians in the blade

Israeli shelling strikes a cemetery of martyrs in the village of Kafr Kila

Israeli soldiers proudly desecrating a mosque on Gaza’s border with Egypt, using it as a restaurant.

Dozens of bodies exhumed from the cemetery and transported to an unknown destination by IDF

Third mass grave discovered at Al Shifa Hospital, bodies are recovered

Testimony: long search to find sister's corpse in a mass grave

Uncovering mass graves at Nasser, day 8

Bulldozer bucket full of bodies

Uncovering a mass grave at Nasser after the withdrawal of IDF

IDF buried the bodies of hundreds of murdered Palestinians in mass graves at the Nasser hospital

Digging Out a Mass Grave at Shifa

Soldiers of the Israel TikTok Forces having fun with loot at Nasser Hospital Khan Younis

IDF completly destroyed Bani Suheila cemetery with bulldozers

Elisha Gangte footage of war crimes : 14 Palestinian body deliberately ran over by a military vehicle and burning a factory

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 2. Destroying graveyards.

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crimes. 6. Bulldozering a dead Palestinian

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes. 3. Recording stray dogs biting on the body of a murdered woman

Nasser Medical Mass Grave

Even the dead in Gaza can't escape Israeli brutality.

NY investigation : in December Israeli army executed a 7-member family by snipers

Soldiers giving dap and middle finger an unarmed man they executed

Elisha Gangte : Footage war crimes. 7. Blowing up a completely destroyed mosque

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.