Beatings Videos

About ten settlers attacked students and the school principal at the school in Marjat

Jewish terrorism in Ma'arjat School, southern Jordan Valley

PRCS rescues a teacher severly wounded by settler assault on Al Ka’abna Elementary School

Testimony about the Al-Kaabna assault by Israeli settlers and army

Israeli soldiers and settlers arrest the director of the Bedouin Al-Kaabneh School and the teaching staff

Footage of an attack by a group of settlers against educational staff and students of the Al-Kaabna Arab Basic School in Al-Marajat

Burqa, a Palestinian village daily harassed by 7 communities of Israeli settlers

Dozens Palestinians arrested in Jenin accuse Israeli forces of using them as 'human shields'

Israeli forces blocked a UN convoy delivering polio vaccines and attacked their car with a bulldozer

Testimonies of two Jenin residents used as Human shields by Israeli soldiers in Jenin

Testimony about conditions of detained women from Gaza at the Damon prison

Paramedics lynched, beaten and detained by Israeli Army, and their ambulance vandalised in Jenin

Ayman Abed, a 56-year old Paletinian in Kufr-dan village in Jenin was abducted and tortured to death

Inhumane treatment on Palestinian at IDF checkpoint in Ramallah

Soldiers brutalize a you lying on the ground in Al-Khalil/Hebron

Al-Haq NGO field researcher for southern Hebron arrested and mistreated by Israeli Army

Settlers assault villagers in Susya, West Bank

Palestinian man freed from prison reunites with his wife and son

Activist assaulted by settlers

Settler pogrom in Jit, Qalqilya: masked armed men torch car and assault anyone in sight

Ben Gvir's militia gang-assaults two Palestinians in Abu Sinan

Settlers gang-assault Palestinian man heading to Aqsa mosque for dawn prayer

Settlers in Jerusalem's old city ransacked and assaulted shop owners ahead of Tisha B'Av

Settlers in Jerusalem's old city ransacked and assaulted shop owners ahead of Tisha B'Av

MK defends illegal settlers assaulting at gunpoint "spies" Palestinian women and child

Soldiers pushed woman down in the dirt, standing on her back - torture testimony

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

IDF assaults activists protesting the theft of family private property in Al-Makhrour

Testimonies of physical and psychological torture by Palestinian detainees in several detention centers

Megiddo prison is Abu Ghraib - jailers laughed when a prisoner didn't wake up

15 Palestinians released from Israeli detention

MONSTROUS torture: Beaten during surgery NO anaesthesia, dogs raping prisoners

Israeli forces assault a terrified child who was just riding his scooter in the town of Al Ram, Occupied Jerusalem

An IDF soldier with a cell phone films two other soldiers as they assault and violently arrest an elderly man, Nouh Hroub, inside his home in southern Hebron

Israeli police beat Muslims with batons as they stand at a checkpoint to get into Al Aqsa for the first day of Eid

Choosing random people in a parking lot, beating them

Beating a journalist at Al Aqsa

Israeli soldiers savagely beat and kidnap Iyad Banat from occupied Hebron

Ramadan Raid of Al Asqa mosque by IDF soldiers

Israeli soldiers attack and injure an elderly man near Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli forces assault elderly worshipers at the Al Aqsa Mosque

Israeli forces beat women and throw stun grenades at worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli police beat a young girl and shoot stun grenades into a crowd

Israeli forces attack Christians in occupied East Jerusalem

Israeli soliders repeatedly kick and beat bound children

Israeli soldiers beat an elderly Palestinian woman and throw stun grenades into a crowd

Anti Zionist Baton Beating

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.