"כפי שפרסמנו הבוקר, אריק אשרמן, פעיל זכויות אדם לא צעיר, ניסה למנוע גניבת כבשה מעדר פלסטיני במערג׳ם. חיילים או מתנחלים חמושים שהגיעו למקום לקחו אותו ומאז איש אינו יודע לומר היכן הוא. כאמור, מדובר באדם מבוגר. הסרטון שצילמו ה״חיילים״ נשלח לאלחנן גרונר (עיתונאי הבית) והתפרסם ברשתות. למעלה מ-3 שעות שגם בצבא וגם במשטרה אין תשובות לגבי מקום הימצאו או מצבו של אריק אשרמן. לא מן הנמנע שהחיילים הם מתנחלים מחויילים או שהתחזו לחיילים. מאחר והסרטונים שצילמו החיילים בטלפון הפרטי שלהם הועברו לעיתונאים מן הימין יתכן שהם יוכלו לספק את התשובות לגבי מצבו של אריק. בסרטון המצורף ״המקור - החייל״ שצילם. והפירסום." - Source
"As we published this morning,
Eric Asherman, an older human rights activist, tried to prevent the theft of a sheep from a Palestinian herd in Ma’arajim.
Armed soldiers or settlers who arrived at the scene took him, and since then, no one knows where he is. As mentioned, he is an elderly man. The video recorded by the "soldiers" was sent to Elchanan Groner (a right-wing journalist) and was published on social media.
For over three hours, neither the army nor the police have provided answers regarding the whereabouts or condition of Eric Asherman.
It is possible that the soldiers are settlers who were drafted or that they impersonated soldiers.
Since the videos recorded by the soldiers on their private phones were sent to right-wing journalists, they may be able to provide answers about Eric's condition.
The attached video is titled "The Source - The Soldier", which was filmed by the soldier and published."
Arik Ascherman (Hebrew: אריק אשרמן; born 1959) is an American-born Israeli Reform rabbi, and Executive Director of the Israeli human rights organization Torat Tzedek-Torah of Justice. For 21 years, starting in 1995, he served as Co-Director (1995-1998), Executive Director (1998-2010), Director of Special Projects (2010-2012) and President and Senior Rabbi (2012-2017) for Rabbis for Human Rights, an Israeli organization.
As a human rights activist, he has spearheaded activities to defend Palestinians against Israeli settler violence, worked for socioeconomic justice for Israelis, and advocated on behalf of Israel's Bedouin citizens. He has been frequently attacked and subject to beatings by settlers,and has stood trial several times for acts of civil disobedience. He appears in the 2010 documentary Israel vs Israel. He is fluent in both Hebrew and Arabic.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.