""We, in the cabinet, demand war now! Demand to enter Rafah. Demand targeted assassinations... The solution is the one the Torah tells us: to liberate, to colonize and also to bequeath! The solution is to encourage immigration (of Palestinians) and tell them, willingly: go to your homes, go to your countries. This has always been ours and will stay ours!" One of the scariest videos I've seen lately: Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, speaks at the "Gaza March" in Sderot, yesterday, behind a podium that says "Colonization in Gaza will bring security. Returning home!". The audience, consisting of tens of thousands of settlers, cheers on Ben Gvir constantly, chanting again and again: "HU-HA here he comes - the next prime minister!"" - Source
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.