Incitement Videos

"The Torah says that they must be blotted out.. until victory & settlement"

Giora Eiland launches new Israeli campaign to starve northern Gaza and invade it

Ben Gvir brags about distributing guns to settlers and worsening conditions in prisons in Mordehai David interview

MK Zvi Sukkot incites war against Lebanon

Bennet genocidal speech about people of Gaza

Two Nice Jewish People : about Jewish Supremacy

Two Nice Jewish People : about the Jewish right to steal Palestinian houses

Two Nice jewish People : Who are the Palestinians

Two Nice jewish People : On "innocent" civilians in Gaza

Two Nice Jewish Boys : Palestinian prisoners of Sde Teiman deserve to be raped

โ€œTwo Nice Jewish Boysโ€ Israelis desire a button for โ€œmass death and deportationโ€

Two Nice Jewish People : Projecting Palestinian Suffering Could Increase Israeli Pleasure

Lawyer calls to send all Palestinian captives to the gallows

Moshe Feiglin now incites war against Egypt

"All of Geneva, and the whole Hague and all of Europeโ€ฆare Sodom! "

Meir Ben Shitrit, IDF reservist who was investigated for suspicion of rape guest star on Israeli TV

You support "terrorism", we demolish your hospitals.

Settler hands his rifle to a toddler aiming at Palestinian village

Former Israeli Defense Minister calls for depriving Gaza Strip of food, water, electricity, and fuel

MK and crowd incite against family of Walid Daqqa who was killed in Israeli concentration camp

Noga Arbell beaming "the IDF is currently annihilating Gaza!"

MK Tally Gotliv "Gazans are dead men walking"

West-Bank "landlord" Smotrich launches campaign of land theft

Ben-Gvir desecrates Al Aqsa mosque compound on Tisha B'av

Group prayer at Gaza border for settlement

Ben Gvir watched and tortured Palestinians in prison

Pro-rape protest opposes "non-jewish values"

MK defends illegal settlers assaulting at gunpoint "spies" Palestinian women and child

"This is Sodom!" Protest pro-sodomizing prisoners

โ€œThis is a precise strike by the Israeli army against a Hamas command centerโ€ said Olivier Rafowicz sokesperson for France

You owe us your existence and you chose death

After prime time on TV - Rapist jailer takes his mask off

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

โ€œJenin should be treated like Gaza.โ€

Just start war with Iran and Lebanon, it'll be easy

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal-target Channel 12 which aired the footage

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal

Don't wait. NUKE Yemen and Iran by order of the Torah

Rapist jailer gets TV prime time, doesn't deny evidence footage

We need laws allowing revenge rape and abuse

MK wants nuclear war with Iran

"Sinwar, We're coming" Racist animation

IDF Judea Brigade Commander salutes settlement efforts

Sde Teiman suspect rapist: investigators were real nice and thanked us

IDF sexual torture suspect recount being thanked and applauded by investigators

IDF - Annihilation good vibes

Pro-rape protestors shout genocidal slogans, demand jailer rapist release

How dare you arrest me for raping a prisoner to protect our country!

MK Tally Gotliv: We SALUTE our brave rapist jailers

Soldiers and politicians protest at Sde Teiman torture camp against rape investigation

Protesters at Beit Lid base military support rapist jailers

MK: EVERYTHING including rape is legitimate against terrorists!

"I would very much like to see Beirut burning today, going up in flames in response to the event that happened"

Call to invade Lebanon - Yair Golan, head of leftist democrats party

IDF Captain proudly admits on TV pursuing Nakba on Gaza

MK: we'll kick families of "terrorists" to Gaza

MK: we'll humiliate terrorists' families and expel all of you to Gaza

IDF soldier and rabbi cites Bible to rejoice over Palestinian body in street

MK Zvi Sukkot incites IDF to take revenge

Social activist LOVES when police arrests genocide protesters

Israeli journalist Zvi Yehezkeli criticizes the Israeli Shin Bet for releasing the director of Al-Shifa hospital, considering him a senior Hamas official

Former head of of the Israeli Prison Service's Intelligence System, ex-Assistant Commissioner Betty Lahat: "We should have given each one a bullet in the head after he is interrogated"

MK Limor Son Har-Melech calls for conquest from Nile to Euphrates

Moshe Feiglin: "Conquer all of Gaza ... It's either us or them"

Israeli TV Channel 13's Hila Alroi justifies the murder of Gazan civilians

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Victory is to take their land ... flatten it and build settlements on it"

MK Zvi Sukkot (Jewish Power party): "We're gonna continue the war with all our might, without considering those who live next to the terrorists"

Genocidal speech of B. Smortrich, Israeli minister of defence and finance

"These people there (in Gaza) deserve death. And instead we see them enjoying on the beach", Yehuda Schlesinger said

Purim doll in a synagogue depicts a hanged Palestinian


"Flour Massacre" is not unbearable for E. Amrusi if you โ€œlook awayโ€

"We're cleaning the world's most stinky toilet" by starving and killing people of Gaza

Pro-genocide song "Kulu Tamam"

pro-genocide song 'Harbu Darbu' rapper posts extra racist verse about Arabs

The International Court of Justice, on a 15 to 2 vote demands Israel take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza

Israelis want to see the sea, the beach. For this, we must destroy all the houses in Gaza.

We did in Beit Hanoun what Simeon & Levy did in Nablus. Let's do the same in all Gaza

Genocide song: Mi Meshuga? (Who's Crazy?)

Lior Narkis, popular Israeli singer, touring IDF bases and singing hate songs against Gaza to Israeli soldiers

IDF soldiers laughing about murdering the people of Gaza. "All the Detergent in the World can't make you Clean!"*

Rabbi and IDF officer Captaine Amichai Freedman, have a speech in order to conquier the whole country including Gaza and Libanon

Shay Golden's explicit genocidal incitement on Israeli TV are becoming the reality

Call to burn Gaza, neighborhood after neighborhood, by Israeli Senior Commander, Colonel Elad Schwartz

We need to see "Gaza RIP" pictures

No food, water or electricity. Make a total siege to bring about harsh disaster.

Why can't IDF go to back its terrorist origins!?

Orit Malka Strook Minister of Settlements and National Missions called to colonize Gaza by killing many people

Israel's top quality racist education

Ben Gvir having fun at the Wedding of Hate

"Gaza is a graveyard" racist songs by the fans of Beitar Jerusalem football team against Palestinian

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.