Conquest Videos

UN General Assembly adopted a resolution today calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation within 12 months

We're back to Gush Katif beach. We'll resettle soon

Befor / after : The Israeli army erased to the ground most of Rafah city

"The Torah says that they must be blotted out.. until victory & settlement"

Giora Eiland launches new Israeli campaign to starve northern Gaza and invade it

IDF holding a military ceremony in Rafah school

"They deliberately targeted the sewage and drinking water, and deliberately destroyed them"

IDF soldiers engaged in a religious war

Mustafa Barghouti notes the terrible destruction of the Jenin camp after the withdrawal of the IDF

Amnesty report on Israel's genocidal buffer zone

Stealing dishes after stealing homes and displacing or killing owners

Israeli Amry reinfoces incursion in Tulkarm

Bennet genocidal speech about people of Gaza

Netanyahu again uses a map erasing the West Bank

Israeli state commits war crimes every day in Gaza and West Bank, B'Tselem tells UN Security Council

HUGE Israeli flag flying high in Northern Gaza

For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure

Israeli bulldozers demolishing the infrastructure of the Tulkarm camp blocking the entrance to Balawneh neighborhood.

Analodou journalist report of Tulkarem situation Day -2

Summary of IDF incursion in West Bank (Northern camps)

Settlements expand under the cover of war

Israel tightens blockade with road separating Gaza from Egypt to ensure full control

"The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel, including Judea and Samaria"

West-Bank "landlord" Smotrich launches campaign of land theft

Odeh family home was turned into rubble after administrative demolition order

Ben-Gvir desecrates Al Aqsa mosque compound on Tisha B'av

Group prayer at Gaza border for settlement

Prime time TV promotes and cheers land theft in Gaza

Settlement is unrealistic? Look at all what we did in the West Bank!

β€œJenin should be treated like Gaza.”

Israeli settlers shooting at Palestinian civilians in the Khallet al-Nahla area l, south of Bethlehem

Warmongering speech of B. Smotrich : "There is no way to restore security to the people of the north without a war that would destroy Hezbollah, reoccupy southern Lebanon"

IDF military rabbi openly brags about destroying Gaza to build the third Temple

Israeli raids destroyed infrastructure and living conditions in Nur Shams Camp

Karmi Yogev, filmed himself in a "teaser" for the "Katif Conference" for the settlement of Gaza

Leave. Only Jews will control the area, from the river to the sea

Hanging posters of Noahide laws in Rafah

Netzarim will be rebuilt


We Bring the Love and Settlements

IDF soldiers express their desire to erase and resettle Gaza. "The spirit of messianism descends straight from the hills of the West Bank into Gaza. Together we will be flattened, driven out and settled: the discipline of listening and education."

Amnesty Internationa shows Israel's war crimes of expanding a buffer zone in Gaza

Raise the Messiah flag

Liberated from all

Tefilin in Khan Younis

Shortage of Flags?

The beach of Gaza IS ALL OURS! Nova beach!

Knesset deputy Limor Son Har-Melech: "the only image of victory in this war is that we will see Jewish homes in Gaza. Victory will be when we see the children of Israel playing in the streets of Gaza"

Rabbi and IDF officer Captaine Amichai Freedman, have a speech in order to conquier the whole country including Gaza and Libanon

Israeli military official's speech about returned on the Gaza land where they are expelled in 2005

Smotrich's podium speaks louder than he does

2019: Bibi openly promises more settlements and West Bank annexation


Planting a tree in Gaza

a little light repels a lot of darkness

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.