Radio / TV Videos

"Thank god, we are hitting and breaking the Gazans"

Bennet genocidal speech about people of Gaza

Two Nice Jewish People : On their attempt to be Most Moral

Two Nice Jewish People : about Jewish Supremacy

Two Nice Jewish People : against Internation Law and accountability

Two Nice Jewish People : about the Jewish right to steal Palestinian houses

Two Nice jewish People : Who are the Palestinians

Two Nice jewish People : On "innocent" civilians in Gaza

Two Nice Jewish Boys : Palestinian prisoners of Sde Teiman deserve to be raped

โ€œTwo Nice Jewish Boysโ€ Israelis desire a button for โ€œmass death and deportationโ€

Two Nice Jewish People : Projecting Palestinian Suffering Could Increase Israeli Pleasure

BBC Hasbara antics: "Jordan Valley" is the new "Occupied West Bank"

Moshe Feiglin now incites war against Egypt

Israel tightens blockade with road separating Gaza from Egypt to ensure full control

Meir Ben Shitrit, IDF reservist who was investigated for suspicion of rape guest star on Israeli TV

You support "terrorism", we demolish your hospitals.

Mr State Attorney should indict all Israelis as we ALL wanted to erase Gaza

Former Israeli Defense Minister calls for depriving Gaza Strip of food, water, electricity, and fuel

Noga Arbell beaming "the IDF is currently annihilating Gaza!"

MK Tally Gotliv "Gazans are dead men walking"

UN HQ should be closed and wiped off the face of the earth

Minister of Settlements: proud of ethnic cleansing, outraged by sanctions.

Total victory is possible because Gazans are finite

Gilad Erdan, Israeli Ambassador to the UN farewell address: "Israel is the most moral country in the world

Campaign of the "Shepherds Sound Movement" to "assist the "pioneers of the mountain" to steal and abuse Palestinians

We'll settle in Gaza in less than a year

Prime time TV promotes and cheers land theft in Gaza

Settlement is unrealistic? Look at all what we did in the West Bank!

โ€œThis is a precise strike by the Israeli army against a Hamas command centerโ€ said Olivier Rafowicz sokesperson for France

"Cry, cry, I want to kill you now""

Why Rabbi Manis Friedman support war crimes and crimes against humanity ?

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

Just start war with Iran and Lebanon, it'll be easy

We need laws allowing revenge rape and abuse

Part2 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Part1 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Israeli journalist exposes lies about the hostage deal

MK wants nuclear war with Iran

"Sinwar, We're coming" Racist animation

MK Tally Gotliv: We SALUTE our brave rapist jailers

"I would very much like to see Beirut burning today, going up in flames in response to the event that happened"

IDF Captain proudly admits on TV pursuing Nakba on Gaza

Israeli soldier brags to radio host about past and future destruction in Rafah

Shai Goldstein and Erez Tadmor recorded and played a song mocking on Galey Israel station about dozens of murdered Palestinians in 8 june Nuseirat massacre .

An Israeli journalist, Elior Levy of Channel 11, details Israel's deliberate policy of murdering family members of people targeted for assassination

Yinon Magal, on Israeli talk show, rejoices that 42 Palestinian civilians were killed to assassinate Hamas official

Channel 13 filmed at the Israeli Ktzi'ot concentration camp

Israeli TV Channel 13's Hila Alroi justifies the murder of Gazan civilians

"These people there (in Gaza) deserve death. And instead we see them enjoying on the beach", Yehuda Schlesinger said

"Voluntary Gazan transfer is not a war crime but a solution for peace"

"Flour Massacre" is not unbearable for E. Amrusi if you โ€œlook awayโ€

After "Flour Massacre" Pr. Elbashan still supports the war even he sounds concerned about the starving children

"We're cleaning the world's most stinky toilet" by starving and killing people of Gaza

Israeli Channel 13 shows prisoners being tortured in a concentration camp on TV

IDF soldier are draining Khan Younis of Palestinians, and arbitrarily kidnap some along the way

IDF arbitrarily detain people displaced from Khan Younis on "terrorism" suspicion

The public arrest & humiliation of Palestinian abductees, kidnapped from Khan Younis

Lt. Col. Oren Schindler had genocidal speech on a live radio interview

MK says it legal and moral to encourage Gazans to "voluntarily migrate"

Israelis want to see the sea, the beach. For this, we must destroy all the houses in Gaza.

Genocide song: Mi Meshuga? (Who's Crazy?)

IDF soldiers laughing about murdering the people of Gaza. "All the Detergent in the World can't make you Clean!"*

Revenge is a great value. Gazans won't be able to live here

We're implementing a scorched earth policy. Nothing left.

An IDF spokesman confirms it was an Israeli strike that hit the Jabalia refugee

Shay Golden's explicit genocidal incitement on Israeli TV are becoming the reality

We need to see "Gaza RIP" pictures

No food, water or electricity. Make a total siege to bring about harsh disaster.

Ben Gvir: My family's right to move freely in the West Bank is more important than Arabs'

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.