Sexual torture Videos

International community has failed to stop Israeli crimes against humanity, B'Tselem said at UN Security Council

Two Nice Jewish Boys : Palestinian prisoners of Sde Teiman deserve to be raped

"All of Geneva, and the whole Hague and all of Europe…are Sodom! "

Meir Ben Shitrit, IDF reservist who was investigated for suspicion of rape guest star on Israeli TV

Part II Channel 4 reporting on sexual abuses and torture allegations in israeli detention centers

Channel 4 reporting on widespread torture and sexual abuse have been reported in IDF detention center

Moataz speaks of the horrific torture he endured without any cause

Dr. witnessed tragic cases of mutilated children and tortured Palestinian medics

Ben Gvir watched and tortured Palestinians in prison

Pro-rape protest opposes "non-jewish values"

"This is Sodom!" Protest pro-sodomizing prisoners

β€œThere’s sexual punishment, greater punishments, greater beatings.”

Lawyer Khaled Mahajna recounts abject torture in Sde Teiman

After prime time on TV - Rapist jailer takes his mask off

Only traitors investigate our brave rapist soldiers

Rachel Brenner about IDF military prosecutors "behaving like a Judenrat"

β€œThere is a policy!" about Israel’s Systematic Torture of Palestinian Prisoners, following Francesca Albanese

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal-target Channel 12 which aired the footage

Pro-rape protest following Sde Teiman scandal

B'tselem presents in Democracy Now TV the new report documenting torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners

Rapist jailer gets TV prime time, doesn't deny evidence footage

Testimonies of physical and psychological torture by Palestinian detainees in several detention centers

No rights in prison, keep your head down, it is what it is

We need laws allowing revenge rape and abuse

Part2 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Part1 Sde Teiman rape victim was not a Nukhba nor took part in 7.10

Released Palestinians describe torture, particularly sexual, suffered in IDF detention centers

Sde Teiman suspect rapist: investigators were real nice and thanked us

OHCHR report on torture and abuses committed by Israel against thousands of Palestinians in illegal detention

IDF sexual torture suspect recount being thanked and applauded by investigators

Israeli attack protesters in front of the house of Nir Barkat house who protects 9 IDF soldiers suspected of sexually abusing Palestinian prisoner in Sde Teiman

Pro-rape protestors shout genocidal slogans, demand jailer rapist release

How dare you arrest me for raping a prisoner to protect our country!

MK Tally Gotliv: We SALUTE our brave rapist jailers

Soldiers and politicians protest at Sde Teiman torture camp against rape investigation

Protesters at Beit Lid base military support rapist jailers

Lawyer Khaled Al-Mahajna reported the rape of Palestinian hostage in Sde Teiman detention center

MK: EVERYTHING including rape is legitimate against terrorists!

Dozens of Israeli Protesters breaking into Yemen Base to prevent the arrest of soldiers who raped Palestinian prisoners

Israeli rioters stormed the Sde Yemen base following the arrest of IDF soldiers suspected of abusing Palestinan prisoner

A protest against the arrests of IDF soldiers accused of extreme torture of palestinian detainees

MONSTROUS torture: Beaten during surgery NO anaesthesia, dogs raping prisoners

Testimony of Me Khaled Mahagna about public sexual torture towards a young Palestinian detained in Ofer

Footage Sde Teiman jailers raping Palestinian prisoner behind shields

Testimony of Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, Director of Al-Shifa Hospital, upon release from an Israeli prison

Bisan Owda explains how IDF use sexual violence against Palestinian women detainees

A Palestinian woman recounts her time in detention and all kinds of abuses inflicted by the IDF

Testimony about IDF soldiers beating a Palestinian pregnant woman in the head and belly

IDF video : Joke about rape Palestinian "bunnies" using carrots

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.