Moataz speaks of the horrific torture he endured without any cause




20 August, 2024


Original Social Media Post

"This is businessman Moataz Al-Haddad, a man who doesn't involve himself in politics and has no enemies in life. The Israeli army arrested him from his home in Gaza after soldiers stole all his belongings. Moataz speaks of the horrific torture he endured without any cause." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

  • the took our clothes and gave us prison clothes
  • the pushed us down on hard floor "Lie on your stomach!" while hitting us
  • They beat us for any move we do
  • There's not a part of my body they didn't hit from head to toes
  • They loaded us on a truck with our hands and feet shackled and the truck was bumping up and down all the time

People in Video

Moataz Al-Haddad

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.