Music Videos

B'tselem presents in Democracy Now TV the new report documenting torture and rape of Palestinian prisoners

Megiddo prison is Abu Ghraib - jailers laughed when a prisoner didn't wake up

The 51st Battalion of the IDF creates a music video vowing to "Fuck Hezbollah after Hamas"

The 51st Battalion of the IDF rips off a Palestinian song to create a music video vowing to destroy houses as revenge

The 51st Battalion of the IDF creates a music video vowing to burn Gaza and shake all of Gaza

Karaoke Incitement

Genocidal incitement for kids

Prisoner Abuse on Mainstream Channel 13

Prisoner abuse "Manny Mamtara" viral challenge in a car

Prisoner song abuse viral challenge in driveway with dog

Prisoner abuse to music viral challenge on a bus

"Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge in an office

Israel's channel 12 enjoying a tortured laugh

Origin story for "Manny Mamtara" as a torture song

Blindfolded prisoners in a car, singing and laughing

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.