Aid Workers Videos

"Maybe tomorrow we will even have more UNRWA staff being killed."

Israeli forces blocked a UN convoy delivering polio vaccines and attacked their car with a bulldozer

"They deliberately targeted the sewage and drinking water, and deliberately destroyed them"

Mustafa Barghouti notes the terrible destruction of the Jenin camp after the withdrawal of the IDF

6 men killed in strike on civilians in Beit Lahia

4 kill in directs trike on a vehicle carrying aid

IDF kills 6 aid security personnel, killing 6 in North Gaza

Despite being targeted by gunfire & having their work obstructed PRCS teams continue to provide humanitarian and emergency services

IDF shelled a water truck in area it said civilians can return to

For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure

Israeli bulldozers demolishing the infrastructure of the Tulkarm camp blocking the entrance to Balawneh neighborhood.

IDF besieges Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin. "Operation Summer Camps" Day 2

IDF besieges Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin. "Operation Summer Camps" Day 2

Analodou journalist report of Tulkarem situation Day -2

IDF close all the entrances to the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin

IDF blocking ambulance and harassing paramedics in Jenin

WCK attacked again - 2 employees wounded by Israeli tank

WCK workers injured in Israeli strike on aid warehouse

Funerals of Ameer, a dedicated Palestine RCS volunteer

Israeli army shot an Elderly man then prevented Palestinian paramedics from treating him

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.