For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure




29 August, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"Israeli army bulldozers continue to destroy infrastructure inside Jenin camp."
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Archivist Notes On This Video

• The Israeli army continues its “Operation Summer Camps” in the occupied West Bank for the second consecutive day, in the largest military operation it has conducted in the occupied West Bank since 2002. • Israel has killed 17 Palestinians and injured dozens more within 24 hours since the operation began yesterday. Israel continues to destroy Palestinian homes and properties, as well as roads and infrastructure in civilian residential areas. • Raids were carried out on refugee camps and Palestinian homes in the area. The scope of the attack in Tulkarem has been expanded, and the entrances and exits of the Nur Shams Refugee Camp have been closed. • Reinforcements have been sent to Israeli forces in the region. • Bulldozers accompanying the Israeli forces have destroyed infrastructure in the city and camps. • IDF bombed a Palestinian family's home in Nur Shams, near the city of Tulkarem in the northern West Bank. • In the Al-Manshiya neighborhood of the Nur Shams camp, east of Tulkarm, cases of suffocation have occurred as a result of the occupiers setting homes on fire. Civil defense teams are being prevented from intervening. Following the bombing of a house inside the camp by the occupation forces, citizens are being urged to evacuate people in the Nur Shams camp in Tulkarm before the flames reach their homes. • Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, is advocating for further development and expansion of illegal settlements in occupied West Bank “inseparable of the Zionism” “This is an opportunity to emphasize how much it has been proven and continues to be proven that settlement is vital for the people of israel and the security of Israel • Jenin in the West Bank is under siege from occupying Israeli forces. For the second day the Israeli army block ambulance crews from gaining entry into the Jenin Governmental Hospital. • The martyrdom of the freed Palestinian hostage, Muhammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, by the occupation forces’ bullets in the town of Kafr Dan, west of Jenin. The occupation blocked all road access to him, and he bled out on the street. The martyr Muhammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, was shot by the occupation forces in the town of Kafr Dan, and the occupation forces prevented the ambulance crews from reaching him to try to provide treatment, until he was martyred

Archivist Notes: "Operation summer camps" Day-1

Israel's Extensive Military Operation in the West Bank

The Israeli military has launched its most extensive invasion of the occupied West Bank since 2002, focusing on the Palestinian towns of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Nablus. This operation, reported by Israeli media, involves thousands of soldiers and is expected to last for days. The IDF operation, which is reportedly named Operation Summer Camps, is pretending coming in response to Israeli concern about a growing threat to their security from the occupied territories amid the war against Hamas and clashes with Hezbollah in the north. But comes as a continuation of the far-right government's desire to carry out a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Key Events:

• August 28 Night Attack: The Israeli army initiated the assault with massive troops, including air support. They are reportedly on the verge of invading a central hospital in Jenin. • Foreign Minister's Statement: Early this morning, Israel’s Foreign Minister tweeted about the need to displace Palestinians from areas in the West Bank. • Evacuation and Destruction: Evacuation orders have been issued to Palestinian communities in refugee camps across the region. Full-scale destruction and the cutting of water supply are already underway. • Media Coverage: Israeli media has provided minimal coverage of the offensive, despite its scale.

Intent to destroy living conditions, ethnical cleansing evidences :

• Ambulance Stations Under Siege: The ambulance station in Al-Far’a camp in the West Bank is under siege by Israeli forces. Paramedics have been forcibly removed and lined up against the wall, preventing them from performing their duties. • Siege on Hospitals: The IDF is imposing a siege on Jenin Hospital, Al-Israa Specialized Hospital and Thabet Hospital : Israeli military vehicles have surrounded, obstructing ambulances and cutting off essential medical aid, according to the Wafa news agency. • Blockades and Water Cuts and electricity in Tulkarem and Jenin cutting water pipes in Tulkarem, • Settlers invade the Al Aqsa compound. This constitutes a full-scale assault on Palestinian lives and sacred sites. • Ongoing Arrests and Field Investigations: The IDF has launched a campaign of arrests and field investigations since the morning in the towns of Aroura, Beit Rima, Kafr Ain, and Qarawat Bani Zeid in the Ramallah district. • Destruction of Refugee Camps: The military, accompanied by bulldozers, is destroying and besieging refugee camps in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas. • Raids in Jerusalem: Israeli police are raiding Anata and Shu'afat refugee camps in occupied Jerusalem, deploying tear gas and arresting several people. • Casualties: The death toll has risen to 10 people, with dozens more injured. Due to the ongoing siege on hospitals and the broader assault, the exact number of arrests remains unknown

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.