"Source https://www.instagram.com/p/DFlBaf4s5mL Civil Defense workers separated the unidentified victims to be buried again in a separate grave." - Source
Civil Defense crews exhumed 37 corpses from mass graves in Ismail Abu Al Qumsan Mosque's yard to identify them and bury them more appropriately in Beit Lahia cemetery.
Civil Defense crew member Mohammed Aby Loay explains the process in the video.
All corpses are placed in dedicated bags and categorized depending on the status of their identification.
Those who are not identified will be buried in dedicated collective graves. As for those who are identified, the crews add a card on the bodybag specifying the victim's name, the date and place the corpse was retrieved, in addition to details about the team that found the body.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.